Iran's allies attacked the Saudi airport with a drone | Chronic


The Houthi rebels, Iran's allies in Yemen, attacked an airport and a Saudi military base with a bomb-laden drone on Tuesday, as tensions persisted in the Middle East between Tehran and the United States.

The attack took place with the drone Qasef K2 and caused a fire in the facilities of the airport of Nayrán, a border town between the two countries.

This is the Qasef K2, drone model used for the attack.

The alliance did not say whether the anti-aircraft defenses had managed to avoid the attack, which is common in its communiqués and refers to hostile movements of UAVs and Houthi missiles against targets in Saudi Arabia.

The attack on the Houthis took place after Iran announced it was quadrupling its enriched uranium production capacity a year after Washington's withdrawal from the nuclear deal with world powers.

Nevertheless, the tension cries while the Iranian president, Hasan Rohani, seeks to have more powers to deal with the escalating sanctions imposed on Washington by the Islamic Republic, reported the official IRNA news agency.

Patriot missile defense system of Saudi Arabia.

The spokesman of the Saudi coalition, Colonel Turki al malki, said today 's attack was aimed at "civilian installations" of "vital" importance in the city of Nayrán.
Al Malki warned that if the Houthis continue to attack civilian facilities, coalition forces would react with "disincentives".

The attacks would not stop

The rebels have announced plans to attack 300 military installations and targets in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which are leading the international alliance to support the Yemeni government.

The conflict in Yemen erupted in late 2014, when Houthi rebels occupied Sanaa and other provinces of the country and expelled the president of power. Abdo Rabu Mansur Hadirecognized by the international community and exiled to Riyadh.

Increase the tension with the United States

The Iranian president, Hasan RohaniHe badured that "This is not the moment of negotiation, but of resistance" against the United States, coinciding with the resurgence of threats against his country by his counterpart Donald Trump.

Left Hasan Rohani, right Donald Trump.

"I am in favor of negotiation and diplomacy, but I do not consider it correct under the current conditions"he said in a speech, according to a statement from the Iranian presidency.

Trump repeatedly said that he was willing to negotiate with Iranian leaders, after withdrawing his country from the 2015 multilateral nuclear agreement and reimposed sanctions on Iran.


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