Is it safe to go to the beach on vacation? 11 recommendations for going on a trip


    11 recommendations for a beach trip (Getty Images)
11 recommendations for a beach trip (Getty Images)

As we enter the month of spring, already many people are planning summer vacations, weekend getaways or long weekends to go to stomping their feet in the sand.

The beach is one of the most popular vacation destinations both by families and by couples and friends, but the question that everyone continues to ask themselves despite having already had a summer season where they were able to go on vacation with protocols, Is it safe to go to the beach?

According to Leana Wen, emergency physician and visiting professor of health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health, beaches “are much safer than other environments because they are outdoors”.

But in turn he warns that even for People who have already been fully vaccinated, nothing will be 100% safe, just as nothing will be 100% at risk.

Ada Stewart, a family physician at Cooperative Health in Columbia, South Carolina, and president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, added that the coronavirus has not been seen to spread in the water.

On the beach, the risk of getting the mask wet is high.  Therefore, it is best to bring an additional one (Getty Images)
On the beach, the risk of getting the mask wet is high. Therefore, it is best to bring an additional one (Getty Images)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that Always check local government, health and beach officials’ regulations before you go. Those who manage the beaches may require reservations and / or establish limited capacity.

Another recommendation from the CDC is that if there are a lot of people around or when you have to go to public places such as spas, food stalls, always wear a mask, hydroalcoholic gel and wash your hands. . The CDC has advised beach managers to make sure there is enough amenities for visitors, such as chairs and other supplies, and that everything is cleaned regularly.

Be on the beach, the risk of the mask getting wet is high. Therefore, it is better to bring an extra one. According to the CDC, wet masks are less effective. And in turn, they recommend not to use it in water as it can make breathing more difficult.

11 recommendations for going on a beach vacation

1) Wear a chin strap or mask

It is important that you use it correctly (completely covering your mouth and nose) while at the beach.

2) Your personal items on the beach

When you leave your personal items on the beach (towels, deckchairs and others), respect the social distancing of 2 meters.

3) Minimum social distancing

Do not go to the beach if you find that it is not possible to respect the minimum safety distance.

On the beaches, social distancing must also be respected to avoid crowds (Reuters)
On the beaches, social distancing must also be respected to avoid crowds (Reuters)

4) Outdoor showers and foot baths

Use showers and footwashers only outdoors, individually, taking the necessary precautions after use.

5) Sports activities

If you participate in sports, develop them individually and while maintaining the established social distance, or with your family group.

6) Avoid sharing

Avoid sharing food, drinks, sunscreen, and other personal items.

The ideal is not to share friends or drinks if you go to the beaches (Getty)
The ideal is not to share friends or drinks if you go to the beaches (Getty)

7) Skin and UV rays

We recommend that you protect your skin from UV rays with sunscreen (ideally SPF 50+). It is advisable to reapply the sunscreen every 2 or 3 hours, as the protection decreases and its effectiveness cannot be guaranteed. Another fact to keep in mind is that when you leave the sea, dry yourself off with a towel and reapply sunscreen.

8) Sunglasses and hat

It is important to wear sunglasses and a hat: they prevent short-term and long-term damage from UV rays.

9) Hydration

Stay hydrated at all times to avoid dehydration caused by excessive heat and sweating.

10) eat outside

If you plan to eat at a restaurant on the beach, our recommendation is that you choose a terrace or “al fresco” table and not indoors.

11) Toilet / Wardrobe

Regarding the use of the bathrooms, it is important to respect the rules of the Spa where you are. You must enter with a chin strap and it is convenient to sanitize your hands as soon as you enter the bathroom and also before you exit. Avoid entering if we see that there are more people than is allowed.


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