Is it time for you to have a social media leader?


The moment we find ourselves has fostered professionalism within social networks with the ability to create, achieve goals and experience, so that the measures taken, allow to successfully integrate social networks in the current business strategy

The integration has already left aside the idea that social networks only served as a basis, on the contrary, its integration into the functions of companies, so that & # 39; 39, he has been increasingly reinforced the role of head of social media.

Having social media marketers, also determined the need to have experience in these platforms, to achieve strategic interaction and according to the objectives of the brand, evidence this is the emergence of diploma in social media marketing taught by the School of Marketing (Edem) begins on September 7 with five teachers is, with whom you go work on an 80-hour course.

Diploma Syllabus:

When and how to do social media?
How to use and with what purpose the different social networks?
] Clbadification and definition of platforms
Operation of main platforms

Elements of a successful strategy in social media
The role of social networks in the media plan
Strategies for Geolocation
Influencer Paper in Social Media
Big Data, the New Actor of Social Media

Creating a Content Strategy in Social Networks
Management content by platform
Visual Content
Aboriginal Content
] Tools to Use to Strengthen and Measure Content Strategy

What can be measured in social media?
How to measure the success of a campaign in social networks?
Free Measurement Tools vs Paid Tools
Metrics and Conversion to Social Networks
Measurement Tools
ROI in Social Networks

Trends in Society
Opportunities Snapshot
Marketing Application Model
Augmented Reality
Case Studies

* The program, site, and teachers may change without notice.

For more information:

+52 (55) 5235.4978 / (55) 5516.2346
[email protected]

Twitter: @escuelaedem

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