Is not it a country ?: Trump calls Venezuela a "company"


US President Donald Trump described Venezuela as "society" instead of "country", using the word "society" instead of "country", speaking of the country of South America.

During his meeting with Fabiana Rosales, wife of opposition MP Juan Guaidó, the US president said: "The potential of Venezuela, if operated properly and with respect for democracy, would be incredible." truly rich in the world, and it is now one of the poorest countries in the world. "

Trump's "confusion" does not seem occasional. On several occasions, the president, his advisers and close badociates have openly declared their economic interest in Venezuela.

Interests in Venezuela

At the end of January, John Bolton, a national security adviser to the White House, told Fox Business in an interview that "it would make a big difference" if US oil companies could access Venezuela's oil wells. .

"We are now discussing with major US companies," Bolton said, adding that his goal was for these companies to "produce oil in Venezuela." "It would be good for the Venezuelan people and the American people," he said.

Last Sunday, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Pátrushev said that Washington wanted to take control of Venezuela, access cheap oil, become a leader in this market and start dictating terms to the Organization. oil exporting countries (OPEC).

According to US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) estimates, Venezuela is the world's largest oil reserve, surpbading even Saudi Arabia.

Criticism in networks

Some people have noticed Trump's mistake and have expressed their criticism on social networks. "He knows nothing at all […] He called Venezuela a company, "said Scott Campbell.

Watching Trump trying to talk about the crisis in Venezuela is painful. It could not be more obvious that he knew nothing, except that it had been told him five minutes in advance. I even called Venezuela to "company". I'm sure it was just to save time.

– Scott Campbell (@ Cusesoccer23) March 27, 2019

Meanwhile, another user, identified as Juan Francisco, asked himself: "Have I just heard Trump talk about Venezuela as a business?" At the same time, another surfer said that the error had been repeated several times on Wednesday.

Several times in a row, Trump called Venezuela a company.

– TheActorBrianHowe (@BrianHoweActor) March 27, 2019

Another user joked that Trump had compared Venezuela to an oil-rich society, while calling on Russia to leave the South American country.

Climbing signs

Trump's words come amidst the heated tensions between Washington and Caracas, after the breakup of diplomatic relations declared by Venezuela after the recognition of the United States. to Guaidó as "president in charge", which was returned a few minutes after the parliamentarian proclaimed himself president on a place without going to the elections.

The legitimate government of President Nicolás Maduro denounced Washington's goal of overthrowing him, setting up a "puppet government" and appropriating the enormous wealth of the South American country which, apart from oil, has significant deposits of gold, diamonds and strategic minerals.

Let no one be fooled! The Venezuelan opposition and the US government They do not want to help the country, on the contrary, they seek our natural resources. They want to trigger "the oil war" to invade and dominate our homeland. They will fail!

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) March 6, 2019

"Let no one be deceived! The Venezuelan opposition and the US government do not want to help the country, on the contrary, they seek our natural resources," Maduro wrote on his Twitter account on March 6.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza has also denounced the US government. He intends to take over the oil and natural resources of his country.

"We will not allow an intervention, we Venezuelans will solve our problems," said Arreaza in an interview with Democracy Now.



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