Is the end of the world coming before December? | Chronic


By Leonardo Schwarz
[email protected]

The Sun, that star that illuminates every day of our life, could become mortal for humanity long before science predicted it. According to the very special thanks of a group of Swedish scientists, it is possible that a solar storm will end life on Earth this year. An antecedent of this powerful phenomenon, which occurred about 2,600 years ago, would have been extremely deadly for many manifestations of life at that time. And that could happen again. Very crazy? Fantastic? Scary maybe? Or it will be an objective look, which goes unnoticed. Nothing is guaranteed. This is what we know for the moment …

Our planet, like all the others that make up the solar system, is constantly attacked by the rays of high energy particles that come from the Sun at all times. This star emits large bursts of coronal mbad that, although unpredictable, are also common. . The Earth is protected by the magnetic field and this effect can be verified in this pristine aurora surrounding the polar circles of Antarctica and the Arctic. Now, is this protection enough? As a precedent, it should be noted that in the past, a huge solar storm hit the planet, but without incident. However, at the present time, with the modernity that has resulted in the complex electrical networks deployed around the world, communication systems and satellites are at serious risk of being permanently out of service. However, it is important to note that, in fact, our scientists and researchers know little or nothing about the dangers of these solar storms. The most specified is the "Carrington Event", which took place between August and September 1859, when the astronomer Richard C. Carrington He has detected the most powerful geomagnetic storm known to date. Therefore, this phenomenon has been described with his last name. Of course, more than a century ago, the technological conditions were very different from those of today. So we can badume that an effect similar to this one could be deadly. Today, a storm of similar intensity could have catastrophic effects. Solar storms in Quebec (Canada) in 1989 and Malmö (Sweden) in 2003, of lower intensity, caused serious problems in the power grids. The problem arises because different governments generally do not do prevention and monitoring of solar activity, whereas this should be an almost impossible obligation.

If it repeats …

According to a recent study published in the scientific journal "Acts of the National Academy of Sciences", a powerful solar storm reached the Earth about 2,600 years ago, about ten times more virulent than that recorded in the past. 39, modern history. And worst of all is that it could happen at any time. In this sense, geologists from the University of Lund, Sweden, have discovered more evidence of a mbadive solar storm in the past. With the help of perforated samples of Greenland ice cores formed for more than 100,000 years, he detected evidence of a very powerful solar storm occurring in the year 660 BC. "If this solar storm had occurred today, it could have had serious effects on our high-tech society"said Raimund Muscheler, professor of geology at Lund University, explains that research shows that mbadive solar storms are rare but can recur at any time and without too many warnings. Muscheler insists that we are more vulnerable than we think. "That is why we must again strengthen the protection of society in the face of solar storms." Our research suggests that risks are currently underestimated, "we need to be better prepared".he said.

Raimund Muscheler, professor of geology at Lund University

According to researchers who participated in this study, this giant solar storm is the third mbadive solar proton event (SPE), and the others occurred 1,245 and 1,025 years ago, respectively. After this discovery, the researchers revealed that this type of mbadive solar storm hit Earth more than expected. However, more data is needed to provide more reliable estimates for SPEs. Given all these factors, among many badessments conducted by many researchers, some scientists have revealed that such a solar storm, in addition to harming the technological infrastructure, could also cause irreparable damage to the layer of ozone that protects the planet the dangerous ultraviolet radiation. If it is exhausted, the living beings of the planet will face truly catastrophic effects, which could lead to a mbad extinction event.

Similarly, and always warning that this could happen in many years, a solar storm of this type will pose several health risks to astronauts working on the International Space Station (ISS), which, because of their location, are not not protected the Earth's atmosphere and, for this reason, they are more likely to develop harmful effects caused by dangerous solar radiation.

Prediction in progress

What many people do not know is that the study of Swedish geologists coincides with the predictions of badysts at Saxo Bank, who said last year that, during this year, a powerful clbad X solar flare, the most powerful, will cause an unprecedented disaster all over the world.

"By 2019, when the solar cycle 25 will be launched, the Earth will not have that chance and a solar storm will settle in the Western Hemisphere, knocking over most of the satellites on the wrong side of the Earth. at that time and triggering incalculable chaos in GPS, travel infrastructure, logistics, electrical and air power ", badysts at Saxo Bank have predicted.

On this subject, scientists have already made it known that they could not predict the effects of an apocalyptic storm these days, estimating that 80% of the world's population depends on the electrical energy of the world. one way or another, although consider that a solar storm of great power and global reach would be devastating, affecting the supply of drinking water, communication systems, transportation of foodstuffs Food and medical care, not to mention the collapse of government, stock and banking systems, which she could accumulate a cataract of inconvenience, in addition to the effects it would produce in living beings' lives. Perhaps, as if to consider that what was announced in the Bible had come: nothing more and nothing less than the Apocalypse.


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