Is the model "Viña del Mar" viable for harvesting?


After years of turbulent economics, Alfredo Cornejo arrives at his last Vendimia as governor with the sharpest pencil of the last four editions of the party. Installed for years in the national calendar – and in a somewhat chauvinistic vision, also from around the world – who is in charge of organizing our maximum party must act as a tightrope walker to try to guarantee a show of international level with a cabotage budget.

As an example, it should be remembered that the artists participating in the show will see their contracts increase by less than 30% over last year with inflation exceeding 50% in the province. In return, the government will spend this edition $ 3.75 million for hosting "special guests", 67% more than in 2018.

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As for the show itself, the province will allocate a total of $ 100 million to the general production of "Weaving in the time of Vendimia", which will be presented at the Frank Romero Day from March 8 to 10 with the traditional central law and two rehearsals. To this, it must be added, besides the distinguished guests, other pesos invested every year in the promotion of tourism in and out of the country, including "mini-crops" in cities such as Mar del Plata or Cosquín.

Logically, this budget effort should be rewarded for the inhabitants of Mendoza. On the cultural level – beyond the already folkloristic disqualifications of the artistic proposal – the city celebrates in honor of its Mother's Day; and economically, hotels and restaurants undoubtedly enjoy one of the best weekends of the year.

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Does the state's economic effort deserve the cultural satisfaction and benefits of the tourism sector, with its eventual "flow" of benefits to the province's economy? One or the other has raised the possibility that the big Mendozas holiday is produced (and financed) by the private sector. Of course, the proposal touches the spine of the province's sacred event par excellence, and the ghost of the word "privatization" would win the argument by shouting even before starting the debate.

However, from there, from the silence of the lines, you can debate the subject and think, for example, of a hypothetical "Viña del Mar model" for our party. The international song festival of the "garden city" of Chile has, in recent years, gone from a public financing system to a concession which, to use the words of the trans-Andean community, is not the only one. proved to be a real success.

Still according to the official version, the funds paid by the private television channels have financed the entire production of what is already one of the most popular events in the region. In addition, the signals must, by contract, contribute to the tourist distribution of Viña del Mar as a destination. A round case for everyone, if the system is really put in oil: the municipality is promoted with its mega-festival and the chains generate income for the private and public sponsors in a show seen by millions of people through the world.

If the Vintage is really, as local tourism promoters and successive provincial governments claim, a world-clbad show, millions of viewers (or in the era of streaming, online audiences) will be eager to enjoy the show. and to follow it, why not, certain individuals who can contribute to our party being a turning point for all.


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