Is the pandemic over? : forecasts from the president of the Moderna laboratory | Progress of vaccination and return to normal


The executive president of the Moderna laboratory, Stéphane Bancel, estimated that the pandemic will end in a year thanks to advances in immunization around the world and soon vaccines against the coronavirus can be applied to babies and children under 12 years old.

“By the middle of next year, there should be enough doses available for everyone on this earth to be vaccinated.”, assured the businessman in dialogue with the Swiss media Neue Zuercher Zeitung and added that he assumes that “from today, in a year” it will return to normality.

The vaccine for children and babies

Like all laboratories that produce covid-19 vaccines, Bancel claimed that Moderna you are working on an injection available for infants and children under 12, which are not yet included in vaccination campaigns, and noted with concern the increase in positive cases in the child population.

Bancel also gave its opinion on application of booster doses which is being carried out in countries like the United States, where the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the use of third doses of the Pfizer vaccine for people over 65 years of age, those at high risk of disease and those found in environments with high exposure to the virus.

The third dose and the Delta variant

For the president of Moderna, “Without a doubt” sick people companions or risky conditions should be inoculated again to strengthen your protection.

Likewise, the American laboratory performs tests to optimize your vaccine formula against the Delta variant this will be “the basis of the booster vaccine by 2022,” Bancel explained. “We are also testing Delta plus Beta, the next mutation scientists think is likely,” he said.

According to Bancel, with the circulation of the Delta variant -much more contagious than the others- it is convenient to “get vaccinated and have a good winter” in the northern hemisphere. “Or not and risk falling ill and maybe even ending up in the hospital,” he warned.

But still, Moderna’s executive predicted that eventually “those who do not get vaccinated will be naturally immunized, because the Delta variant is very contagious “and” in this way we will end up in a situation similar to that of the flu “.


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