Isamu Akasaki, the father of LED light, has passed away | The fí …


The Japanese Nobel Prize in Physics Isamu Akasaki, considered the father of LED light, has died aged 92. He had pneumonia and died in a Nagoya city hospital, according to a statement posted on the Meijo University website, where he had been a professor.

Akasaki received the Nobel Prize for pioneering the energy efficient lighting system. The Japanese physicist won the prestigious award along with two other scientists, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura. Together they developed the blue light emitting diode, described as a “revolutionary” invention by the Nobel jury.

LED technology lasts tens of thousands of hours and consumes only a fraction of the energy compared to the incandescent lamp developed by Thomas Edison in the 19th century.

Red and green diodes have been around for a long time, but coming up with a blue LED was the holy grail, as the three colors have to blend together to recreate the white light from the sun..

The trio of researchers took a big step forward in the 1990s, after three long decades of hard work, when they managed to get brilliant blue rays from semiconductors.


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