ISIS, a kingdom of death with too many secrets – 23/03/2019


Declared dead at that time, ISIS was born in Iraq after the US invasion of 2003, very close to the glbady network of Al Qaeda and bearing the name of Yama & al-Tawhid wal-Jihad. At that time, it was only another bloodthirsty seal in the midst of a multitude of organizations that formed in the turmoil of this country and with the unoccupied work of the armies of the deposed tyrant Saddam Hussein.

The most remarkable data on this group. which made it the largest and most successful terrorist organization, years later, in 2011, in Syria. During the civil war that triggered the local chapter of the process of the Arab Spring, the ISIS – initials in English of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the Levant or Daesh, according to the pejorative acronym in Arabic – showed a geometric growth of its military and logistical levels. The phenomenon had behind him a torrent of economic aid from the autocracies of the region.

Donald Trump shows cards indicating the end of ISIS signaling US success in the final operation. AFP

Donald Trump shows cards indicating the end of ISIS signaling US success in the final operation. AFP

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The objectives of these auspices were multiple and make it possible to understand the existence of this group. One of the most crucial was to block the Republican offensive that was part of popular uprisings that had collapsed one after the other and dictatorships of several decades in a few days (Tunisia and Egypt) or a few months ( Libya). Religious extremism, a bastard version of Islam proclaimed by the group, was clearly a tool of social and political control.

ISIS, Sunni, also attacked Iran and its area of ​​influence in Syria and Iraq. He did not do it simply because of a religious conflict, as it is often simplified. This behavior brought to light a central problem of power: the silent battle waged by this part of the world against Iranian expansionism. But ISIS has also been crucial for Turkey, for its confrontation with the Kurds.

With all these supports and a war plan that was nothing spontaneous, the organization created a caliphate in 2014 in parts of Iraq and Syria. In this intolerant kingdom, with eight million inhabitants and tens of thousands of jihadists and mercenaries, he has incorporated two capitals. Mosul in Iraq, the largest city in the country after Baghdad and Raqqa in Syria, located near the battlefield of Siffin which, after the death of the prophet, was the birth of the split between Sunnis and Shiites.

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ISIS has managed to control a territory of nearly 100,000 km 2 and to pocket hundreds of millions of dollars. But it was ephemeral. His star began to fade when Russia entered the Syrian war in 2015, followed by Turkey. This movement turned the compbad and irreversibly strengthened the Damascus regime and Iran itself. ISIS then began to lose all usefulness for its sponsors. The Western coalition formed to fight them has left its lethargy because of the urgency of the United States. to take the initiative and provide essential support to Kurdish fighters, the great winners of these wars. In the same logic, the backs of the Arab part have disappeared. ISIS, who no longer sponsors, first lost Mosul, then Raqqa and finally their last strongholds. and, perhaps more importantly, its perverse international influence has ceased. w


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