ISIS celebrated the fire of Notre-Dame Cathedral – 16/04/2019


The terrorist group ISIS fallen into disgrace and no longer caliphate, celebrated this tuesday the fire Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris, like thousands of Islamists in social networks.

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The Mediterráneo Digital portal publishes this ISIS issue from its Telegram account your joy for the unfortunate event that is crying the French capital, and which up to today is supposed to have accidental origin

Since its first mobilizations, the jihadist group has set itself the goal of "demolishing the Cross" of Christ, because he considers his terrorist activities as a war of religions. And France, and especially Paris, was the target of jihadists who provoked great mbadacres, of the attack of Charlie Hebdo to the attack of Nice.

ISIS posters uploaded to social networks, where they celebrate the Notre Dame fire in Paris / Twitter @Rita_Katz

ISIS posters uploaded to social networks, where they celebrate the Notre Dame fire in Paris / Twitter @Rita_Katz

In a message posted on the Twitter profile of the Israeli secret service (Mossad), you can read: "The famous ISIS / Muntasir media celebrate the fire of Notre Dame Cathedral." These cowards attend all the tragedies that occur humanity, let us not forget. "

The text is accompanied by a photograph of the burning cathedral in which it is stated: "Its construction began in the year 1163 and ended in 1345. It is time to say goodbye at his polytheistic oratory ".

According to the company SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks the online activity of white supremacist organizations and jihadists, supporters of the Islamic State have called the flames of Our Lady of "retribution and of punishment "for the" heart of the Crusader leaders ".

The terrorist group celebrates or usually decides on attacks or tragic events in the world without providing any proof of its paternity, especially with regard to the attacks of so-called lone wolves, radicalized men who act alone, motivated by the opinions of the group.

Since SITE, its director, Rita Katz, denounced the celebration of the ISIS before the events in France.

Katz posted posters of alleged jihadists on the networks. In one, you can see the famous "needle" of Our Lady fall under the slogan "The Cross falls, God is great".

"The celebration of followers of the Islamic State near the fire in Notre Dame Cathedral, which they call a blow to the" heart of the crossed rulers ", shows not only fanaticism, but also the way in which they are pathetically capturing something that looks like a victory. "

Source: agencies



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