ISIS resistance militias attacked and killed 60 Syrian soldiers – 20/04/2019


More than 60 soldiers and fighters loyal to the Syrian regime have died in the last two days of several jihadist attacks, the deadliest since the announcement of the defeat of the Islamic State about a month ago.

The Islamic State, responsible for part of these attacks, lost on March 23 its self-proclaimed "Caliphate" over a vast territory located between Syria and Iraq, after years of struggle against Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a Kurdish alliance it has no connection with the regime of Bashar Al Assad.

Syrian families at a military checkpoint in Abu al-Duhur. (AFP)

Syrian families at a military checkpoint in Abu al-Duhur. (AFP)

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

Nevertheless, the militants of the ultra-radical organization, who have sought refuge mainly in the Syrian desert, continue to carry out bloody attacks.

According to the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (OSDH), 27 soldiers and regime fighters, "including four senior Syrian officers," were killed on Thursday and Friday during attacks claimed by the government. 39 Islamic state in the eastern desert of the central province of Homs.

The jihadists ambushed the regime forces "who tried to expel them," the fundamentalist group said in its propaganda organ Amaq.

Syrian forces in Douma. (AFP)

Syrian forces in Douma. (AFP)

The fighting lasted until Friday night. Six jihadists have lost their lives, according to the OSDH.

On the other hand, in Deir Ezzor province, in the east of the country, eight government fighters, including two officers, were killed on Thursday night in a desert area extending from the center of the country. Syria on the Iraqi border.

According to the OSDH, it is the most deadly attacks perpetrated by the Islamic State against the regime since the announcement of the eradication of its "caliphate".

In the western limits of Aleppo (north), the Abu Bakr al Siddiq army, linked to HTS, rival of the Islamic State, attacked government positions and killed 21 fighters, according to the 39; OSDH. The aggression took place after a nightly bombardment of pro-government forces.

Five other pro-regime fighters also died Saturday in the north-eastern province of Latakia (west), in an ambush led by a jihadist faction affiliated with the HTS.

The neighboring province of Idlib (northwest), virtually out of the control of the Al Assad government, is dominated by HTS, an old al Qaeda branch, which has strengthened its presence there. territory facing the rebels, weakened early in the year.

An agreement reached in 2018 between Russia and Turkey (supported respectively by the Syrian regime and some rebel groups in Idlib) provides for the creation of a "demilitarized zone" between the jihadist and insurgent sectors and those controlled by the Syrian government. but this only applies partially.

The destiny of this province will be at the center of the dialogues scheduled for 25 and 26 April in Kazakhstan.


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