Israel again demands the use of the chinstrap for the Delta variant


chin strap from the Israeli children’s school.mp4

Israel: how happy boys and girls find they can remove their masks

On April 16, Israel removed the requirement to wear masks outdoors, and May would also include not doing so in closed spaces, except in hospitals, health centers and among unvaccinated tourists.

However, since this weekend the Ministry of Health has decided to reimpose the obligation in certain regions of the country due to the appearance of two outbreaks in schools in Modiin Yes Binyamina.

The mayor of Modiin, Haim Bibas, asked “school principals and educational staff must be strict with the order and for parents to avoid as much as possible entering the grounds of educational establishmentse “with a message through your Twitter account.

“We must do everything to avoid a further increase in morbidity”He said after 15 cases were recorded in his city.

In addition, others 44 tested positive coronavirus in two schools in the city of Binyamina and would correspond to the variant Delta, As reported The time of Israel.

It has been seven consecutive days since Israel has recorded deaths from the coronavirus and as of Sunday there were 26 new cases. More than 64% of the 9 million inhabitants of its population have applied at least one dose of the vaccine against Covid-19.

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