Israel bombs the Gaza Strip after firing a rocket – 25/03/2019


Just as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entered the White House on Monday for an official meeting with Donald Trump, the Israeli army confirmed a series of bombings against Hamas targets in the Gaza StripIn response to firing a projectile from the enclave that hit a house and wounded seven people.

"At that moment, the Israeli Defense Forces have started attacking targets of the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip, there will be more details," he said in a brief message on his Twitter account.

The army accused Hamas of firing on the projectile that hit a house in Mishmeret, north of Tel Aviv, as it was sending reinforcements to the border area of ​​the Gaza Strip. .



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According to information collected by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the army sent two brigades in the south of the country and is preparing to call in thousands of reservists, including some from the Air Defense Command, the Intelligence Corps and the Home Front Command.

On the other hand, the Israeli authorities closed the Erez and Kerem Shalom border crossing points, while the Prime Minister announced that he would curtail his trip to the United States after meeting with Trump, because of the shot of the projectile.

Given the situation, the Islamic Jihad group had warned "the Zionist enemy" – referring to Israel – against any attack on the Palestinian enclave and stressed that "would react with force".

Bombing in Gaza./ Reuters

Bombing in Gaza./ Reuters

In the same vein, the military operations room in Gaza would have warned Israel that it "would not put the resistance to the test or that it would be surprised by a Hard and collective answer that the occupation could not resist, "according to the newspaper. Maan Palestinian Agency.

A little more than a week ago, Israel bombed a hundred targets in Gaza in response to the launch of two rockets on Tel Aviv, which caused no casualties.

Preliminary investigations by the Israeli army into the launching of these two projectiles from the Gaza Strip have determined that it was accidental knocks.

The IDF felt that it was likely that the shooting occurred during a work of maintenance of the two projectiles, two missiles & # 39; Fajr M-75 & # 39 ;. No Palestinian group has claimed the authors of the communiques.

In the past, Israel made it clear that it accused Hamas of being responsible for such events, as it controlled the Gaza Strip, whether or not the shooting was carried out by the group. .

Source: agencies


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