Israel broke the truce and bombed the Gaza Strip …


Israel air-attacked Hamas military targets in Gaza Strip in response to launching incendiary balloons of the enclave in the south of the country. In addition Israeli soldiers killed Palestinian woman in West Bank on Wednesday that he would have tried to attack them. The Israeli counterattack broke a 25-day truce since the May conflict, although the Palestinian Islamist movement chose not to respond to avoid further escalation of tension.

The Israeli operation, which began early Wednesday morning, focused very specifically on the military installations of the al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas. No casualties were reported, as confirmed by both the IDF and Hamas security sources.

However, in another incident, a Palestinian woman was killed by Israeli gunfire following an alleged attempted crushing and stabbing of soldiers in the occupied West Bank. Palestinian news agency Wafa identified her as Mai Khaled Yussef Afana, 29, from Abu Dis, a Palestinian town near Jerusalem.

His uncle, Hani Afana, assured that the young woman “took this path by mistake and did not attempt to commit an attack as the occupation (by Israel) assures”. Demanding to know the truth about what happened, Afana added that “Mai had recently graduated from a Jordanian university, had a four-year-old daughter and had no problems.”

UN request

The United Nations (UN) on Wednesday called on Israel and Hamas to respect the truce agreed on May 20. “The UN Secretary General expresses his concern over the recent wave of violence and calls for full respect for the ceasefire. He hopes that the cessation of hostilities will be maintained and solidified in order to leave the parties concerned the space to stabilize the situation, ”declared the spokesperson of the international organization, Farhan Haq.

Palestinian activists and Hamas sympathizers demonstrated in several towns in the Strip on Tuesday.. In addition they threw incendiary balloons towards the border with Israel, causing about twenty minor fires, in protest against the celebration of the “The March of the Flags”, an ultra-nationalist Israeli mobilization through Jerusalem which crossed the occupied zone and in which cries like “Death to the Arab”.

“Day of wrath”

Although Hamas has called a “day of anger” as a sign of repudiation from walking, the day passed without serious incidents. 33 Palestinians in Jerusalem sustained minor injuries dispersed by the police to prevent a counter-demonstration parallel to the parade from triggering violence. In addition 17 Palestinians were arrested for confronting the Israeli security forces.

Despite Israel’s celebration of the march and airstrike, Hamas took no retaliatory measures. like the rocket launch that took place on May 10, coinciding with the convening of that same parade, which led to an escalation of the 11-day war, the worst since the 2014 war. The clashes ended on May 21 with a truce mainly brokered by Egypt after 260 people were killed in the Gaza Strip and 13 in Israel.

“Zionist bombing”

“The Zionist bombing of the Strip is a failed attempt to stop the solidarity and resistance of our people to protect the Holy City.”, the Hamas spokesman said in a statement, Hazem Qassem. This new episode of tension supposes a challenge for the brand new government led by ultra-nationalist Naftali Bennett, whose upside down posture Hamas does not look much different from that of the Executive of Benjamin Netanyahu.

In fact The Minister of Defense is still Benny Gantz, leader of the center-right Blue and White party, which was Netanyahu’s partner in government and then split up to join the Coalition for Change. Bennett’s power partner is secular centrist Yair Lapid, who will inherit his leadership in 2023, so any major decision must have the approval of both. Yes Stoned, who until then assumed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, supported the resumption of the peace process with the Palestinians.


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