Israel celebrated Macri's decree | In a letter p …


As expected by the administration of Mauricio Macri, the government of Israel welcomed the decision of Argentina
declare Hezbollah
as a terrorist organization
. He did so through an official statement in which he approved the Cambiemos government's "efforts" to take the "perpetrators" of the AMIA attack.
"Before justice", and is again responsible for this fact in Iran.

The text sent from Tel Aviv does not directly mention Hezbollah or the decree issued yesterday by Casa Rosada, but it uses almost the same terms as the measure signed by the President with whom he was sentenced to this Lebanese organization. "Israel condemns Iran for its responsibility in the terrorist attacks around the world and to finance, instruct, train and arm terrorist organizations, "says the diplomatic dossier.

The sign of the government of Benjamin Netanyahu He was also sent as part of the 25th anniversary of the explosion of the Jewish Mutual, which left 85 dead and hundreds wounded, but his allusion to the decree is clear: not only the position of Israel was related to politics, but also to politics. antiterrorist of the United States.

The text entitled "The 25th Anniversary of the AMIA Attack" indicates that "on July 18, 1994 at 9:53, a large explosion rocked the city of Buenos Aires during the second attack against Israeli targets and Jewish in Argentina in two years. "He also questions the fact that" the pain and sorrow caused by this attack are compounded by the fact that those responsible for this horrible act, such as the one who is responsible for preceded (the Israeli Embbady in 1992), have not yet been brought to justice. "

He also points out that "the Argentine government has called Interpol to issue arrest warrants against several suspects, and that this appeal has been approved by the Interpol General Assembly" , pointing out that after years of investigation, the Argentine justice system had concluded 2007 that "Iran was behind the attack and was responsible for sending the killers".

"Israel condemns Iran for its responsibility for terrorist attacks around the world and for funding, educating, training and arming terrorist organizations and for threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the earth." In this regard, he adds, "we support the efforts of the Argentine government to bring the perpetrators to justice".

Finally, he salutes the "people" of Argentina and the "families in mourning" after the attack, and expresses his willingness to "congratulate the Jewish community, which managed to recover from the tragic event, to restore the community and to maintain strong ties with State of Israel. "


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