Israel has already vaccinated 35% of its population and goes for those born before 2004


The Israeli authorities have announced that from this Saturday evening, people born before 2004, adolescents in many cases, will be able to be vaccinated after completing the vaccination campaign for health workers, the elderly and adults who are are volunteered.

Israel has already vaccinated 35% of its population, the first country in the world in this ranking, far ahead of other countries such as the United Arab Emirates (23), the United States (5%), Italy (2%) or France (1 percent), according to data collected by the Our World in Data website, linked to the University of Oxford.

Adolescents must go to vaccination centers accompanied by one of their parents and in possession of their identity card.

The initiative responds to a proposal from the leader of Azul y Blanco, Benny Ganz, who proposed that adolescents be vaccinated to be able to resume classes and especially to be able to pass the registration exams that correspond to them.

From this Saturday, pregnant women can also be vaccinated, although it is recommended to wait until the second trimester of pregnancy.

More than 5 million before March

The campaign’s goal is for more than five million Israelis to be vaccinated by the end of March, more than half of the country’s nine million people. The campaign reached a rate of over 200,000 daily doses administered.

People who receive the second dose of the vaccine will get an official certificate a week later because they should not be quarantined if they come into contact with an infected person.


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