Israel has recognized Juan Guaidó's "new leadership" in Venezuela


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu supported the leader of the parliamentary opposition, who proclaimed himself interim president on Wednesday. Source: archive

The Israeli Prime Minister,

Benjamin Netanyahu,

announced today that his country recognizes the "new leadership" in


days after the opposition speaker of the National Assembly,

Juan Guaidó,

self-proclaimed interim president.

Last Wednesday, Guaidó declared himself Venezuela's president by illegitimately considering Maduro's new six-year term on January 10 as the country's next constitutional authority.

That day and later, he was recognized by the United States, Colombia, Brazil, Canada and a dozen American countries. While the main European powers gave Maduro an ultimatum to hold elections within eight days or to recognize Guaidó.

Meanwhile, Russia and China remain loyal to Maduro, as well as Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua and Turkey.

Last night, Venezuela's Defense Attaché in Washington, Colonel Jose Luis Silva, declared that he did not know Nicolás Maduro as president, and urged his "military brothers" to support Guaidó as interim president.

Juan Guaidó during a speech on 23-E, the day he proclaimed interim president of Venezuela
Juan Guaidó during a speech on 23-E, the day he proclaimed interim president of Venezuela Source: AFP – Credit: Federico Parra

Meanwhile, Mr. Guaidó today called on NGOs and human rights organizations present in Venezuela to "unify" the data on the "mbadacre" of protesters that he was badigns to the president's security forces.

Nicolás Maduro.

The last balance places 29 people dead in these mobilizations.

"Let the regime and our people know that I will not sit idly by the slaughter they are committing in our neighborhoods and cities," Guaidó said on his Twitter account.

Thus, called "all the NGOs, human rights defenders in the National Assembly […] unify the information and raise the international complaint "about the crackdown.

With this initiative, Guaidó seeks to "appoint the FAES (Special Forces of the Bolivarian National Police), prosecutors and judges who participated in the mbadacre from 22 January to demand immediate sanctions and justice be done by the international community ". .

In addition, he convened the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,

Michelle Bachelet,

to go to Venezuela "to testify to the serious crisis in which the Venezuelan people live".


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