Israel issued “stern warning” against its citizens visiting Argentina


The Israeli Ministry of Health issued a “severe warning” travel to Argentina, given the increase in cases and the strain on the healthcare system from the second wave of coronavirus. He also included Seychelles and Russia on the list.

The complex situation Argentina is going through, with an increasing case curve and more than 35,000 infections per day, in addition to an increase in the number of deaths, put the Israeli authorities on alert, who have obtained herd immunity by vaccinating a large part of their population.

According to Jewish News Agency, the Israeli ministry warned that “if there is no significant improvement in the level of morbidity,” then “will enter the list of destinations with immediate risk, to which the flight will be prohibited “.

Until now, countries like Ukraine, Ethiopia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Mexico and Turkey were on this list, to which you can travel with the approval of ‘a “Exceptions Committee”.

During this time, according to the regulations in force, all passengers entering Israel from these countries must comply with the compulsory isolation, including those who have been discharged or have completed the vaccination cycle.

After crossing the peaks of the pandemic with strict quarantines, Israel has started to return Ordinary. In recent days, Tel Aviv International Airport has had significant passenger traffic, with Greece and Cyprus being the most popular destinations.

Last week, Israeli state television (KAN) reported that the health ministry was preparing a list of “green countries”, ie those with a high vaccination rate. These would include the UK and parts of the US.


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