Israel recognizes Guaidó as leader of Venezuela | Internationale


Israel joined this Sunday the countries that recognize as Venezuela's political leader the president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, the opposition leader Juan Guaidó, against President Nicolás Maduro. "Israel joins the United States, Canada and most countries of South America and Europe to recognize the new leadership in Venezuela," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a video statement laconic.

The Israeli government does not specify to what extent it recognizes the character of Guaidó, who does not fulfill the conditions of the interim president, and does not mention the ultimatum presented by the main European countries to the Chavez executive power to convene urgent free elections to defuse the crisis. In his public statement, the Prime Minister made Israel one of the few non-European and European states to align with Venezuelan opposition to the ruling party.

The Hebrew press points out that Netanyahu's decision was made after the pressure exerted by the United States on their allies to sever economic relations with the Caracas government. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday called on the international community to take a stand for Guaidó.

Israel had preferred to remain silent since the outbreak of the political crisis in Venezuela so as not to harm the Jewish colony of this unstable Latin American country. In Venezuela, they lived until 1999, when President Hugo Chávez began his first term, about 25,000 Jews, of whom there are only 6,000 left. Most of them emigrated to the state. Hebrew, to the United States and to European countries such as Spain. The Chavez governments are characterized by their alliance with Iran, the sworn enemy of the region, as well as by the support of Turkey and Russia, two of the main regional players in the Middle East.


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