Israel released Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi after eight months in prison


July 29, 2018 – 12:35
The young woman was detained for eight months in a maximum security center, completely isolated and in secret.

Ahed Tamimi, the teenager who became the icon of the Palestinian resistance to reprimand two Israeli soldiers, left the prison Sunday after eight months in detention. The 17-year-old girl and her mother, also arrested after the incident, were taken to their Nabi Saleh village in the Israeli-occupied Israeli-occupied West Bank of Sharon's Israeli prison, said Assaf Librati, a spokesman for the prison.

Tamimi, 17, and her mother, were sentenced by an Israeli military court to eight months in jail to which she added a fine of $ 1,500 after a pact between the defense and the prosecution, after the Young woman slapped an Israeli soldier for injuring his 14-year-old cousin in his hometown, Nabi Saleh, in the occupied West Bank.

When they arrived in the city, they kissed and shouted at the parents and friends who had come to greet them. Then the teenager, her mother and her father came home under the cries of the people: "We want to live in freedom!" "The resistance continues until the occupation is over," said Tamimi, hailed by his supporters and in front of the many journalists gathered on the site.


Tamimi's lawyers decided that the girl would accept four of the 12 charges against her.

– مريم البرغوثي (@MariamBarghouti) July 29, 2018

She also visited relatives who lost a family member in June in clashes with Israeli soldiers.
He then went to Ramallah, where he laid a wreath at the tomb of Palestinian leader Ybader Arafat, and went to the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority, although he was not allowed to return. we do not know when he will meet Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
The Israeli authorities are trying to limit the media coverage of the liberation and give contradictory information on where they will enter the West Bank.
On the other hand, Israeli police on Saturday arrested two Italians and a Palestinian for painting a giant portrait of Tamimi on the separation wall between Israel and the West Bank.

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The young woman was arrested on December 19, 2017, a few days after the video recording of the beating of two Israeli soldiers.
In the images, she is seen approaching with her cousin, Nour Tamimi, two Israeli soldiers who were in the courtyard of their house in Nabi Saleh, a city in the West Bank.
The two teenagers ask them to leave and then beat them and slap them.
Ahed Tamimi was 16 years old when she was arrested. On March 21, she was sentenced to eight months in prison. His cousin was released in March.
The girl, whose family is known for her activism against the Israeli occupation, had already been involved in several incidents with soldiers.
While many Palestinians consider Ahed Tamimi an example of courage in the face of Israeli abuses in the occupied territories, many Israelis see it as an example of how Palestinians incite their youth to hate
. Military Court has had great media coverage.
Tamimi's sentence (eight months in prison) is almost as important as that of the Israeli soldier Elor Azaria, who was sentenced to nine months for killing a wounded Palestinian who was safe.
"You can not turn a little terrorist into a heroine, but that's what we did," said Oren Haza, a Likud deputy (right), the party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
"It's very dangerous (…) most Israelis will tell her that they would like to see her in jail for 20 years."
For human rights defenders, Tamimi's case highlighted Israeli military court practices with Palestinian conviction rates of up to 99%.
Since the West Bank is a territory occupied militarily by Israel, the Palestinians living there are tried by military courts.
"Hundreds of Palestinian children are behind bars and receive no attention," Human Rights Watch director in Israel Omar Shakir, denouncing "endemic ill-treatment" of minors

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