Israel Reports 5,000 Cases, Triples Deaths in One Day – Summary 3


Israel, one of the countries furthest along in the coronavirus vaccination campaign, has once again surpassed 5,000 daily cases and affected 50 deaths in the past 24 hours, and is expected to hit the million accumulated case mark in the next few days.

Coronavirus infections skyrocketed in Israel after the health ministry celebrated on July 8 and 9 that there were no new cases. However, the spread of the Delta variant, much more contagious than the previous ones, since then the epidemiological curve has marked a sharp rise in infections.

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These statistics are more alert if we take into account that it is one of the most advanced nations in terms of vaccination, with 60% of the population with the two doses and 12% with a third additional injection. .

Marquesa Maman, a cardiologist and family doctor who worked on the Israeli Covid Committee, told Channel 3 that the government advanced with a third dose because they discovered that over the months the vaccination loses its contagious effectiveness.

“But the unvaccinated are those who are hospitalized due to the severity of the disease and then die. Patients vaccinated with doses are not even intubated and a week later they go home,” he said. he declares.

As part of the September 1 back-to-school plan, more than one million students will be tested and, if the results show students have antibodies, they will receive a green pass and be exempt from quarantine if anyone. one in his class tests positive, the education ministry reported as quoted by the news agency AFP.

About 41% of 12-15 year olds have already received a dose of the vaccine, as have 79% of 16-19 year olds, according to Sputnik news agency.

In total, since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Israel has passed 990,000 infections and totaled 6,830 deaths.

Interview with Fernando Genesir.


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