Israeli company invents invisible hearing aids


By Osmín Monge

Jul 10, 2018- 17:31

This could be the last year in which you want to buy a wireless headset, pill, or headset. And in 2019 will come a new audio technology that could make the headphones you use today become obsolete.

Noveto, an Israeli-based emerging company, will launch next year its new "Focused Audio" devices that generate sound directly into your ears without relying on any hearing aid.

This technology could be useful in different situations and places. No need for a headset, a pbadenger can listen to the car radio without disturbing the driver, someone could enjoy his favorite rock band in the booth of his office and none of his colleagues would get angry and no matter who could watch TV at night and do not bother anyone else in the house. It could even work with an alarm clock, so that someone could wake up while the person next to them would continue to sleep without hearing anything around them.

Noveto Photo

This technology can do exactly the same as a headset, however, you would not need it since the sound waves will be routed to the ear

This may seem like science fiction, but this invention is already underway and could change the way you listen to music or any audio content. is equal to the directional audio
To use this option, users will have to resort to a small "soundbar" called "Sowlo". This independent device can be connected via Bluetooth to any smartphone, TV, tablet, computer or other sound source.

According to reports from the company Noveto, audio from any source will be configured to be directed only to suitable people. in the system and so do not disturb others who are around.

For the audio does not disperse, Noveto has innovated the way the sounds will be in some invisible bubble, where the audio will be transmitted and will not pbad to others [19659005] It is likely that many confuse this alternative with the directional audio technology, which is present in some devices (speakers, sound equipment, televisions …) able to emit sounds that are strictly directed in one direction only .

Photo Noveto

When using directional audio, if the person is not standing or sitting in front of the speaker or other device, it is impossible to listen to the sound.

"The focused audio is different: it is steerable. You can follow the person in motion, it's something that directional audio can not do." Tomer Shani, co-founder from Noveto, said: "There will be no change if you walk, jog or change places in the car." "Sowlo" will always know where to direct the sound, "says Shani

. With this innovation, the Israeli company has already attracted the attention of some of the most recognized and important technological giants on the market, including Google, Samsung's Magic Leap Joint, the Essential smartphone company and, recently , the musician's helmet company


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