Israeli nasal spray reduced COVID-19 infection by 78%


Nasal spray reduced rates of coronavirus infection at mass rally at Rosh Hashanah in the highly endemic community of Bnei Brak town (Shutterstock)
Nasal spray reduced rates of coronavirus infection at mass rally at Rosh Hashanah in the highly endemic community of Bnei Brak town (Shutterstock)

Using a nasal spray reduced infection rates by coronavirus during a mass gathering during Rosh Hashanah in the highly endemic community of the 210,000-resident city of Bnei Brak in Israel, according to a new preliminary study published in Researchsquare.

In mid-September, before the Jewish New Year (an intensive two-day gathering for prayer), PCR positivity rates were 17.6% and rose to 28.1% two weeks later. In the midst of these festivities, 83 members of an ultra-Orthodox synagogue in Bnei Brak used “Traffix” nasal spray during Rosh Hashanah services, And after two weeks, only 2.4% of users of the product were infected with the coronavirus, compared to 10% of non-users infected with the coronavirus.

According to scientists who tested it, the drug is an innovative nasal powder inhaler that creates a protective gel layer on the nasal mucosa and effectively prevents viruses from infecting nasal cells. It is approved for use in Europe and Israel. In vitro studies have shown that the drug prevents viruses (including SARS-CoV-2) from infecting human cells (<99%).

The drug is an innovative nasal powder inhaler which creates a protective gel layer on the nasal mucosa and effectively prevents viruses from infecting nasal cells (Shutterstock)
The drug is an innovative nasal powder inhaler which creates a protective gel layer on the nasal mucosa and effectively prevents viruses from infecting nasal cells (Shutterstock)

It is well established that the nose is the main gateway for SARS-CoV-2 to the body. The product has been developed as an additional antivirus protection tool beyond the currently recommended preventive measures. The odds ratio for coronavirus infection in Traffix users has been reduced by 78%. The results have led researchers to recommend its use in addition to other precautionary measures. No side effects have been reported in users.

The nasal spray, created by Nasus Pharma, prevents viruses from infecting nasal cells. The main ingredient is hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, it forms a mucoadhesive gel that covers the nasal cells, preventing viruses from connecting to receptors. It also creates an acidic microenvironment that can stay for five hours and It has been shown to prevent respiratory illnesses like the N1H1 flu and rhinovirus. The spray has been approved for use in Europe and Israel.

Nasus Pharma is a Tel Aviv-based biopharmaceutical company that develops intranasal powder products for the treatment of patients in acute emergency situations. The company focuses on nasal products due to the greater dispersion and faster absorption of nasal treatments. The research was carried out by researchers at the University of Haifa, the University of Virginia, Nasus Pharma and the Hadassah Medical Center. It is preliminary and has not yet been peer reviewed.

The nasal spray, created by Nasus Pharma, prevents viruses from infecting nasal cells (Photo: shutterstock)
The nasal spray, created by Nasus Pharma, prevents viruses from infecting nasal cells (Photo: shutterstock)

The research method consisted of following 243 members of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community from the Bney Brak synagogue who participated in prayers during the two vacation days (7 hours per day in the synagogue) for the next 14 days to measure the effect. of Taffix during this potentially “overcast” event (post-mass meeting). 83 collected and used Taffix during Rosh Hashanah prayers and for the following two weeks. 81 of them used it regularly as directed (by protocol, PP), while two used it rarely, if at all. The other 160 did not use it.

At the end of the two-week follow-up, in the ITT population, 2/83 (2.4%) of users and 16/160 (10%) of non-users were infected. No side effects have been reported.

Experts conclude that Taffix can be a powerful additional tool against the spread of COVID-19. “As far as we know, this is the first time that a measure has been taken to prevent infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, beyond the use of masks, it has proven to be effective. “


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