Israeli prime minister warns that Lebanon is responsible for attacks launched from its territory


Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (Reuters)
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (Reuters)

The Israeli prime minister said on Sunday that Lebanon is responsible for the attacks with rockets launched from their territory, whether Hezbollah launched them or not.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s comments come just days after one of the worst outbreaks of border violence between the two countries in years. “The country of Lebanon and the Lebanese army must take responsibility for what is happening on their territoryBennett said at a cabinet meeting.

For several days last week, the terror group launched a barrage of rockets at Israel, triggering airstrikes from the Jewish state. On Friday, the rebels fired more rockets and Israel responded with artillery fire.

It doesn’t matter to us if it is a Palestinian organization, if it is an independent rebel group, the truth is that the State of Israel will not accept fire at its territory.“said Bennett.

Israeli soldiers next to an artillery unit near the border with Lebanon (Reuters)
Israeli soldiers next to an artillery unit near the border with Lebanon (Reuters)

In addition, the Prime Minister stressed that “there is a very important awareness of many (Lebanese) citizens against Hezbollah and Iranian involvement in the country. Even during the severe economic and political crisis in Lebanon, Iran and Hezbollah entangle Lebanese citizens in a front against Israel. “

Hezbollah warning

The day before, the head of Hezbollah Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, warned that his group would retaliate for any future Israeli airstrikes against Lebanon, and that it would be a mistake to assume that the organization would be constrained by internal divisions in Lebanon or the country’s economic crisis.

Don’t get me wrong when you say Hezbollah is busy with Lebanon’s problemsNasrala said and added that the bombardment was a “clear message”.

Hezbollah responded on Friday by launching more than ten rockets at the Hebrew state, to which it responded with artillery fire. “Our response was linked to the Israeli attacks in southern Lebanon, a first for 15 years,” Nasrallah said during a televised speech to mark the anniversary of the deadly 33-day war that this influential Shiite movement has faced with. Israel in 2006.

Firefighters put out blaze after rocket hit Israeli territory (Reuters)
Firefighters put out blaze after rocket hit Israeli territory (Reuters)

In 2014, Israeli attacks hit an area near the Syrian border. “We want to tell the enemy that any Israeli air attack on Lebanon will inevitably be followed by a retaliation, but in an appropriate and proportionate manner since we wish to protect the country.Nasrallah said.

In recent weeks, critics of Hezbollah have accused him of being involved in the storage in the port of Beirut of the ammonium nitrate that caused the explosion, and that it had to be transported to Syria to manufacture bombs for the Damascus regime during the civil war. In a televised speech, Nasrallah denied the accusations, calling them “fabricated” and “ridiculous”. These accusations are a “political attack paid for by the United States and Saudi Arabia in the service of Israel,” he lambasted.

Lebanon is going through its worst economic and financial crisis in modern history, which the World Bank describes as one of the worst in the world since the mid-19th century.

After rejecting from the outset an international investigation, the Lebanese authorities dismissed the first judge in charge of the case, Fadi Sawan, from his post, following the indictment of certain authorities.

His replacement, Tarek Bitar, is also facing Parliament’s refusal to lift the immunity of some of its members suspected of being involved.

(With information from the AP and AFP)


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