Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian in Gaza


Israel-Palestinian conflict claims new victim: Palestinian man died in Gaza as a result of Israeli gunfire, Health Ministry said today Gaza. The number of Palestinians killed at Friday's protests rises to three

According to the Israeli army, some 7,000 Palestinians took part in rioting on Friday at various locations along the border. They threw stones at the soldiers and set the tires on fire. Some damaged the border fence. According to Palestinian sources, comets and incendiary balloons have caused several fires in Israeli territory.

Since the end of March, more than 150 Palestinians have been killed and 17,000 have been wounded by Israeli gunfire during demonstrations and clashes, according to the Ministry of Health. 19659002] Palestinians call for an end to the blockade of Gaza and the right to return to Israeli territory, which the Jewish state rejects. Human rights organizations have warned of unbearable living conditions in the coastal strip, where two million people live and have been locked up for more than ten years.

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