Israeli tourist crime: the murderer strangled his mother with a tie – 13/02/2019


The forensic expertise revealed how were the last minutes Israeli sisters Pyrhia Saroussy (63) and Lily Pereg (54), murdered on January 12, one day after their arrival in Mendoza, to visit the now accused of the double crime, the Israeli Gilad "Nicolás" Gil Pereg ( 37), son of Pyrhia and nephew of Lily. The details add more horror.

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From the youngest sister, Lily, who worked as a scientist in Australia, the autopsy revealed that he died of three shotsBut his sister had only been beaten. Now, the badyzes of Pyrhia's corpse, Mother Gilad, showed that the woman was strangled with a lbado. The accused, in addition to hitting his mother, would have hanged her to death.

Images that show how lived the single accused.

Images that show how lived the single accused.

On January 25, the victim's son and nephew were arrested. The next day, the Mendoza police found the women's bodies, buried in the house of Gil Pereg himselfwhere they went to visit him. Investigators believe that he planned the badbadination of his relatives when he learned that they would travel to Mendoza to solve their debt problems. That is why, three days before the arrival of women, Gil Pereg had denounced in court the theft of a 9-mm pistol and two 38-caliber weapons, only when the investigators had carried out searches on this property, they had been found at his home.

The defendant lived in conditions of indigence.

The defendant lived in conditions of indigence.

Lily was killed by three shots. We entered by the thorax and perforated the lung and the heart, causing his death immediately. He used one of the weapons he described as stolen, the 38-caliber revolver.

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The forensic tests of her mother, Pyrhia, indicate that she hit her and dragged her, due to injuries to the hips and arms. "The autopsy shows that there was a fight, some signs of defense," the researchers said. And now, the prosecution has confirmed that the cause of death was "strangulation with a tie".

The researchers found dead cats and lots of garbage.

The researchers found dead cats and lots of garbage.

To hide the bodies, the killer pierced irons in the corpses of women and buried them in an underground room. "Being post-mortem, this can not be considered as an aggravating circumstance of the crime.Of course, these situations will be considered later as deserving a future sanction, a procedural risk," said the homicide prosecutor, Claudia Ríos, who conducted the Gil Pereg investigation for "aggravated homicide for forced bond" (in the case of his mother) and "simple homicide" (for his aunt).

Despite the conditions in which he lived, the inmate had a large amount of money in cash.

Despite the conditions in which he lived, the inmate had a large amount of money in cash.

Saroussy was an employee of an Israeli collection agency and Pereg was a professor of microbiology at the University of New England, Australia. The teacher's comrades claimed that his sister had insisted that he accompany her to Mendoza to visit Gil Pereg. They arrived on Friday, January 11 and the next day, we did not hear from them any more.

Sisters Pirhya Sarusi and Lily Pereg.

Sisters Pirhya Sarusi and Lily Pereg.

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Gil Pereg is being held at San Felipe Prison in Mendoza. Is isolated in a cell, without contact with other prisoners. He insists, through a letter from his lawyers, to take his cats to his cell, with whom he slept on the floor and shared his days. The prison authorities consider that it is impossible because it would aggravate the hygiene conditions of the prison.


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