"It brings us closer to Venezuela"


The radical leader Ricardo Alfonsín cHe wondered about the climate created after the 24A march for Mauricio Macri and He stressed that "it really brings us closer to Venezuela".

"There is no ideology, no project, no program, no feasible Republic, in a country where hatred, intolerance, contempt for the different are standardized," he said. he said from his Twitter account.

In the same vein, the son of former President Raúl Alfonsín also said that "The silence of many people is attracted by this, not just politicians."

Last Saturday's march was marked by the slogans of hatred against Kirchnerism and the attacks on the movileros of C5Nbut was cleared by Macri, who went out on the balcony of Casa Rosada to greet the protesters.

There is no ideology, no project, no program, no feasible Republic, in a country where hatred, intolerance, disregard of the different are normalized. It brings us closer to Venezuela.

Draws attention to the silence of many people before, not just politicians.

– Ricardo Alfonsín (@RICALFONSIN) August 26, 2019


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