"It does not seem bad to me that Alberto receives Galperín, he lost $ 3 billion in 48 hours," said Grabois at the end of the meeting.


Juan Grabois, social leader and reference Kirchner Source: Archives – Credit: Victoria Gesualdi / AFV

Once again, the social leader and referent of
Patria Grande Front,
Juan Grabois on the meeting of the candidate of Frente de Todos,
Alberto Fernandez, with the CEO of
Free market,
Marcos Galperín"I liked that Galperin went to Alberto's office, knocked on the door and asked for permission," he said.

"I do not quite know what he will have said, but he is the iconic business man of macrismo
supported Macri until the last minute and lost $ 3 billion in 48 hours", he said in the program
Before and after of the city radio.

The Kirchnerist referent
usually goes through discussions with the creator of Free Mercado
Twitter. "Free Mercado deals with smuggling, escape, financial speculation, consumer abuse and unfair competition.Their" success "is the destruction of thousands of jobs. billionaires at your expense, "said Kirchner's leader in a publication. The answers were quick.

Last July, a user of this social network hinted that the biggest takeoff of the company had taken place under the direction of Cristina Kirchner and not in the present, as Grabois said.
re-produces a network crossing. Galperín responded to the accusations: "Maybe" alguito "he had to see the effort, the sacrifices and the ability of the 8,000 Central American employees who make the company every day? I say no? Ah, a detail, Argentina accounts for about 20% of income ".

Although Grabois once again recalled Galperín's relationship with Macrista's management, he continued: "Galperin was one of those who participated in this myth that if Macri lost, the disaster would happen. It does not seem so bad that Alberto receives him, because he must be the President of all Argentines. "

Likewise, he warned, "I think that with this and Citibank's invitation, the siren songs begin."

"I will not hold any positions in the government," he said.

Regarding his role in the future and the possible rumors linking him to a position in the government, he said: "We promote public policies, not spaces in the organization chart.I will have no position in the government because my role is more important in promoting processes so that all families can have a roof, that farmers can have a piece of land and that workers can have rights. "

"There is a false badociation that has managed to make social movements equal to social plans.We do not want social plans, because they are for me a disaster and the catastrophe of Argentina.It does not have to have other social plan in Argentina, but a real job "said Grabois. In addition, he said, "I think it's very good for Alberto to say that the priority on the agenda is poverty and not the media law." But it's a question that will have to be worked on at some point ".

"This government has generated a useless social catastrophe in Argentina, while Bolivia, with an Indian raising a fist, has increased by 4% a year and has reduced poverty by 15% over the same period, while Macri it has increased. "



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