It has been 6 years since the murder of Lola Chomnalez and there are still no convicts


The family of Lola Chomnalez, the teenager murdered six years ago on the beaches of Barra de Valizas, Uruguay, wait until when the fair of justice is closed in 2021 the prosecution requests that the only person accused of the crime be sentenced. Meanwhile, the investigation continues to identify and locate the other man allegedly involved in the murder.

We have an accused person, in principle, as a partner in the homicide. Progress was made in his investigation, in his whereabouts and in which he was in contact with Lola. Statements have been taken from his entourage and various reports have been received, so I think that once the fair is over, what the prosecution will do is accuse him directly, ”he told Telam. . Juan willman, lawyer of the Chomnalez in Uruguay.

According to the procedural steps of the neighboring country, when the prosecution considers that the evidence concerning an accused has been exhausted, in this case the detainee Ariel Moreira, nicknamed “El Cachila”, asks the judge to sentence him or not, and in the first case, the corresponding sentence.

“On the other hand, the investigation has continued since, For our criteria and that of the family, there was more than one participant, which is clear to us from traces of blood, with male DNA, which was left at the scene and is not from Cachila.», Indicated the lawyer.

Willman reminded that the inmate “never said who that person was”As a result, court proceedings and the Interior Ministry continue to identify and locate her.

I think Moreira is going to be doomed. I have no doubts. It is a pity that he did not collaborate, ”said the lawyer, who considered that the investigators“ work and well ”.

Regarding the latest measures ordered, the lawyer explained that they were waiting for Lola’s medical files to be sent from Argentina to “verify” some of the questions the defendant made in his statement.

Last December, the Uruguay Round 4 Criminal Appeal Court upheld the prosecution of “Cachila” dictated in first instance by the deputy judge of Rocha, Rossana Ortega, who considered him as “co-author” of the crime of “homicide aggravated by treason”, which provides in Uruguay for sentences ranging from 15 to 30 years in prison.

While forensic scientists gathered the DNA of the alleged murderer found on a map and a briefcase inside the victim’s backpack with the genetic profile of each new entry into the prison system for other reasons.

At a time, Willman explained that the DNA match of the mother of “El Tereso”, a suspect who committed suicide in 2015, was negative and that he was under investigation as a possible material perpetrator of Lola’s crime.

Lola (14) went to Bar Valizas on Saturday, December 27, 2014 and stayed with his godmother, Claudia Fernandez, who was with her husband, Hernan Tuzinkevcih, and his son.

The next day, the teenager disappeared when she went for a walk on the beach and two days later she was found murdered about four kilometers from the house, in an area of ​​dunes.

The autopsy determined that Lola died of suffocation from suffocation and that he had several cuts made with a knife in different parts of the body.

According to the judge’s decision Ortega, the teenager tried to flee her killers, was beaten, wounded with a knife and hit on the head to finally die of suffocation when, at his probable calls for help, his face was pressed against the sand.

For its part, “La Cachila” He was detained at the start of the investigation but subsequently released because the comparison of his DNA with the genetic material found in his victim’s backpack was negative.

However, in his declaration to justice, The defendant has now admitted that he passed the victim on the beach on December 28, 2014 and offered her “a small tampon”, but that later she felt “dizzy” and that when he helped her , he discovered that “she had no pulse”., got scared and left.

For the prosecutor Jorge Vaz, “El Cachila” was present “before, during and after” the murder, whose motive was probably “sexual”.

And among the tests valued for the prosecution were the results of psychological, psychiatric and semiological expert opinions which revealed that the accused had a personality with a tendency “to mythomania”, to “get irritated easily and lose control. of his impulses ”, and an“ outrage and violation of the rights of others ”.

Source: Telam


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