"It is forbidden for blacks to enter" | Chronic


Dominicans and Afro-descendants have suffered dozens of racism for years "like any black person who lives in the country "explain Marioska (24 years old) and Mariangel (27), who arrived in Argentina in 2005 and settled in Necochea with his mother, who was in a relationship with a neighbor of that city.

The most serious acts of discrimination began in adolescence, with the first night outings: as reported by several viral articles on Instagram, the owner of most of the bars and clubs in the city prohibits the entry of blacks into their homes. institutions. local

The sisters, who now live in Buenos Aires and work as role models, recounted the ordeal they had with friends at the Antares brewery. "At the entrance, the security told us that we could not enter because the owner had ordered us not to let the blacks in. That broke my soul. There are two years ago we had gone to Capital precisely because all our teenage years happened to us this type of things"Marioska wrote.

The dummy accompanied the display of a sound that she secretly recorded to leave a recording of the conversation, in which we hear the bar's path that says the owner "I did not want Dominican or Coso to enter (sic) "and they needed a "invitation"to be able to arrive, something that whites do not demand.

"I've always cried again, these are things that made a lot of sense to us, we stopped going out because we had no place to go because of our color. let's live more, but the black community must continue to hold it. ", he lamented. The complaint became viral in a matter of hours and generated a response from the owner of the Antares brand, from Mar del Plata, who personally contacted the sisters and told them that they would write a public apology that they would then post on networks.

Although in Buenos Aires, they do not suffer such explicit and violent episodes of discrimination, Mariángel said that racism in Argentina "it's so naturalized that people do not see it. " And he explained: "We are fighting against something that people think is non-existent, in Argentina racism is structural and the whole system is impregnated, an example is language, and on open television we are talking about black shit, black workers, working as a slave Even politicians talk about work in black They represent a micro-terrorism extremely painful for us All the time, they remind you that you are the other It is me who, as a model, constantly observes the difference abominable in treatment and stereotypes of beauty And there are also racial prejudices, such as prostitution ".


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