"It is fundamental to be treated this year" | Elsa Schva …


"Those who aspire to positions by election must listen and define themselves.There are no two sides, there is the defense of rights for a dignified life or submission of bodies to decisions imposed by fundamentalist definitions All the transcendent issues that impact on society "divide the waters", which would be a way to describe different positions and interests, and those who defend rights in particular are often delayed by excuses that refer to other emergencies, "said Elsa Schvartzman, sociologist and teacher at UBA, and a member of the National Campaign for the Right to Abortion since its inception, as part of the Forum for Reproductive Rights, on the question of whether a subject such as abortion should be dealt with during an election year. In a dialogue with PáginaI12, he referred to the new presentation of the bill of voluntary termination of pregnancy sent Tuesday to the Chamber of Deputies, highlighted the most significant changes made by the project and raised the need to resume the discussion this year. .

-What's different from the changes in the new project?

– This new text was elaborated by a large group of compañeras members of the National Campaign for the right to legal, safe and free abortion of different territories and specificities, which formed a drafting commission. They added their experiences and knowledge and were inspired by the text presented in 2018 to resume the proceedings of the Congress. This product was discussed in plenary of the campaign this year in the city of Córdoba and, after two days, the text that is now presented has been approved. A change in its wording is that it is organized in three chapters with its relevant articles. Among the points to note: "In the exercise of their fundamental rights, any woman or other identity with the capacity to conceive has the right to decide of her own free will and to have access to an abortion up to fourteen weeks , inclusive, of the gestational process ", establishes as a protected right, and expresses that abortion and abortion are considered equivalent terms, that the term integral health should be interpreted without exception as the definition established by the World Health Organization (WHO), and that chapter III is incorporated which specifically addresses "badual and reproductive health policies" and "comprehensive baduality education" ".

– Do you think this has to be dealt with in this election year, since it is a problem that divides the waters?

-Yes, I think it's fundamental that this be treated and especially this year. In 2018, the company is clearly committed to upholding the need for the right to legal, risk-free and free abortion. Those who aspire to election positions must listen and define themselves accordingly. There are no two sides, there is the defense of rights for a dignified life or submission of bodies to decisions imposed by fundamentalist and reactionary definitions. All transcendental issues that impact society divide the waters, which would be a way of describing different positions and interests. Those who make rights in particular are often delayed with excuses that refer to other emergencies. After so many years and the growth of social consensus, there is no room for misleading misconceptions. Decriminalization and legalization are urgent, there is no time to lose. The right to health, dignity and independence of many women and people with gestation capacity depends on the treatment and approval of this project.

– How do you badyze what is the eighth time that it is presented? From the first hour until it changes?

In principle, I would say that persistence is another example of the fairness and validity of our struggle and our demands. Getting discussion and approval of our project in Congress was and remains one of the important goals of the campaign. Last year marked a milestone in this story. There have been significant changes from the distant year 2007 in which it was first introduced: the incorporation as the subject of each pregnant woman's law, the number of weeks proposed ( from 12 to 14), the objection does not appear in the text of conscience, and the need to report a violation has been removed. All of these changes and in the text presented in 2016 responded to the progress of new rights established in the regulatory body since the first submission.

-How do you advocate for the legalization of abortion?

– Since I remember, I have recognized the right to abortion as a decision of autonomy. My approach to this activism has been through the Forum for Reproductive Rights and historical comrades; One could say that it was before yesterday, if we consider the decades that takes this fight. I integrate the campaign with so many teachers of different backgrounds, we started to dream … From the first moments, finding the story told to the young people of today, we continue in the countryside, identified with our green handkerchief. No more stigma, no secrets, no shame and, among all, all lead a life worth living in a world that we wish every time better.


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