It is increasingly difficult to enter or exit the United States. | …


At the base of the Statue of Liberty, at the entrance to New York, is a poem by Ema Lazarus that says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your overcrowded multitudes who yearn to breathe. freedom." Its meaning was broken during several presidencies, but Donald Trump finished it in dust. As of this month, the United States has imposed more conditions on foreigners to enter the country and also imposed restrictions on its own citizens for them to leave Cuba. The two stories that most media have reported separately speak of the same policy. From an Orwellian control that adds harsher filters to cross its borders (the wall is not enough within the limits with Mexico) and imposes an exclusion zone for those who thought to visit the most Big Island of the West Indies with an American pbadport. To participate, you will need to submit the profiles used in social networks, e-mail addresses and phone numbers for the past five years. To travel abroad, Americans must choose any country, except Cuba. Whoever tries will be in serious trouble. As of June 5, Washington has implemented Title III of the Helms-Burton Act to further stifle its neighbor. The government of Miguel Diaz Canel repudiated the decision to reduce to zero the progress made under the presidencies of Barack Obama and Raúl Castro.

"The measures are aimed at preventing the American people from knowing the Cuban reality and thus counteracting the effect of the daily defamatory propaganda against our country," Havana said. For 60 years, the island has been subjected to the US economic blockade which cost the country $ 134 billion at current prices until 2018. Although the case of Cuba is explained by the policy of # 39; ascending isolation that Trump intends to impose, everything has to do with everything. The United States is at war with the world or a good part of it. In trade war with China and Europe, in cold war with Russia, at war with Venezuela to take over his oil as he did in Iraq, in migratory war with Mexico and the countries of Central America.

Now, travelers wishing to enter their territory for tourism, work or study will be forced to transmit sensitive data. The new conditions were only demanded last week by those who visited the countries that make up the so-called list of "terrorist states", according to the look of the US policeman. Cuban blogger and political badyst Iroel Sánchez commented with some irony: "Of course, pbadwords do not require them because, as most of these companies are North American, they do not need them, they have the back door of their servers. " It is estimated that about 15 million foreigners process a visa each year to enter the United States. The new regulations are as restrictive as those put in place for Americans aspiring to Cuba. Those who bought or booked tickets until June 4th will not be affected.

Peter Kornbluh of The Nation wrote an article about the consequences of this policy: "In 24 hours, more than 50% of the US travel market in Cuba has simply evaporated. are likely to increase as Trump's turbulence spreads into the travel industry, affecting educational circuit providers, commercial airlines and other tourism-related companies, not to mention the entire airline industry. Cuban economy … "

Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla rejected the new provisions of the US Treasury Department: "They intend to stifle the economy and undermine the standard of living of Cubans in order to to pull out political concessions, they will fail again. "In the United States, criticism has also been heard. The organization Engage Cuba seeking to end the blockade imposed by Washington said: "The government should not monitor where Americans go on vacation." US Congressmen Kathy Castor and Barbara Lee also questioned the entry into force of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act.

"Since the United States re-established diplomatic relations with Cuba, thousands of Americans, including many families from my own community, have visited the island," said Castor, a Democrat. Florida, in a statement. It is also with regard to the Cuban-American voters of this state that the recent measures of Trump have been highlighted. Its national security advisor, John Bolton, and the lobby of Cuban-American Congress members played a key role in creating this policy. The magnitude of the damage that will be caused to the island is given by the number of travelers received in 2018. There were about 630,000 people, plus half a million Cubans residing in the United States. "We are not naive, they are already 150 years of fierce struggle for our independence and must, from the first day, face the hegemonic ambitions of US imperialism," added Minister Rodríguez Parrilla.

Since taking office, Trump has apparently reduced the staff of the Havana Office of Interests, damaged the Cuban private sector and created difficulties in the daily lives of children and parents who must travel to third countries to apply. visa if they wish. go to the United States The same goes for the inhabitants of the island who are forced to ask in Guyana, to 2748 kilometers, because of the Section of the American interests. it no longer deals with consular issues. Before, they had not had the easy task either: they had to treat it in Colombia. On the contrary, nearly 800,000 cruise ship reservations were affected by the Washington government's decision to ban travel to Cuba, according to the International Cruise Line Association (CLIA). Carlos Gutiérrez, president of the United States-Cuba Business Council, recalled that it is the only country – with the exception of North Korea – where an American can not travel freely.

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