"It is likely" that the smoke of the Amazonian fire reaches La Plata


This has been informed by official sources, although they have stated that "this poses no threat"

The fire in the Amazon has become a big problem for the whole region. As tensions continue between Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, environmentalists and the European community, the flames continue to spread. So much so that they badure that the smoke would arrive in the province of Buenos Aires in the next hours and that La Plata is not immune from this situation.

"It's likely," replied Mauricio Saldívar, head of the Hydrometeorology Directorate of the Municipality of La Plata, before consulting this diary about the possibility that a few hours later, the smoke from the fire that rages the fire reaches the city. in the northern zone of Brazil.

In any event, Saldívar subtracted the drama by stating that if it occurred, it would be "as it has already occurred on other occasions" and that "it poses no threat for La Plata ". In this sense, he recalled that the smoke arrived in Uruguay and Argentina on August 12 and 16, affecting Entre Ríos and the north of the province of Buenos Aires.

The truth is that our region could be hit by smoke at night due to the north wind forecast for this area. This phenomenon would result in the last 21 years affecting lands devastated by devastating fire, mainly on Brazilian lands.

In this sense, the smoke already affects visibility in the northern and western provinces of Argentina and would arrive today in Buenos Aires, reported the National Meteorological Service.

"There is already the presence of smoke that comes from the various fires of Amazonas, Bolivia and Paraguay, Formosa, Jujuy, Corrientes, Catamarca, La Rioja and North Santa Fe", has said meteorologist Cindy Fernández this afternoon.

The expert also explained that "the north wind will bring this smoke back to the center of the country, so that it could reduce visibility in Buenos Aires today, a process that will intensify over the weekend and the future. next week".

The Amazon concentrates 52.5% of the 2019 fires in Brazil, with more than 71,000 igneous households, which has generated a wave of global repudiation, reinforced by the statement of President Jair Bolsonaro minimizing the dangers for the world. ;environment.

The magnitude of this forest fire is really of great proportions. So biologist Marta Marcondes, who badyzes samples of the rain that fell on Sao Paulo on August 19, while in the middle of the afternoon the day turned the night, said that "I have never found such a situation, c critical. "The citizens of the most populous state of Brazil, in the south-east of the country, were surprised that Monday by a sudden darkness at 3 pm (local time ) and that some regions have recorded gray rain. Marcondes, specialist in water resources and water pollution, explained that the samples contain "a very large amount of fine particles", above average recorded in similar situations, it is to say that it's raining after several days of drought.

The professor of the Municipal University of Sao Caetano said that she "was afraid" with the smell of burnt wood in the particles and the level of turbidity of the samples, but said: "It is premature to say that it is because of the fires ", and that" Now we must investigate. "

For its part, the physicist Saulo Ribeiro de Freitas explained that the phenomenon that obscured Sao Paulo was the product of two mbades of air, one from the north and the center west (where is the Amazonian region ), and another polar air, forming a river of smoke that has reached southeastern Brazil. Although this is not an unprecedented fact, Freitas warned that this year "was unusual because the number of fires is terrifying".

Satellite data from the National Institute of Space Research (Inpe) indicate that between January and August 21, Brazil recorded 75,336 fire sources, an increase of 84% over the same period in 2018. More than half of these accidents (52.6%) are in the Amazon.

The phenomenon that has plunged Sao Paulo into darkness "is an alert for the country.We are facing the sea and we turn our backs on Brazil," said Freitas, citing the geographical position of the country's economic capital, near the coast and thousands of kilometers of jungle burning in the flames weeks before.

In Porto Velho, capital of the Amazon state of Rondonia, 3,000 km west of Sao Paulo, the concentration of smoke made the headlines when a plane was baffled by lack of visibility. "The smoke is hurting our lives," said motorcycle back Roberto dos Santos, who recounts how the consequences of the wildfires spread in the small town on the banks of the Madera River. "In the morning, it is not possible to see the cars (…) My daughter is sick, I had to take her to emergency." Animals die burning in the jungle, some flee to the city, looking for shelter, "he laments. .

The image of a firefighter from Mato Grosso (center) in a country ravaged by flames giving drink to a thirsty armadillo – the animal chosen by Brazil as a pet for his Cup world 2014 – was broadcast dynamically yesterday in social networks. Other messages reinforced the hashtag #ForaSalles calling for the dismissal of Environment Minister Ricardo Salles, who had played down the crisis earlier this week, while President Jair Bolsonaro had suggested that the igneous beacons could be lit by oenegés.

"The situation requires a lot of attention, it is necessary to count the fires and their impact," says Professor Eduardo Landulfo who, with projects developed by the Foundation for Support to Research the State of Sao Paulo (Fapesp), studies pollution for decades air According to him, the night he took Sao Paulo by surprise "is not only an alert for Brazil, but for the entire region".

Thus, the smoke of this fire could affect our city today, which shows the degree of alert that the natural disaster causes.


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