"It must be up to the task" | Reviews of Argentina …


For the first time in its history, Argentina will occupy the post of Vice-President of the United Nations Human Rights Council. It is the main human rights body of this international institution that the country has integrated for three years. The election, explained by the National Chancellery and noted by the Secretary of Human Rights, Claudio Avruj, was in a way a recognition of the Argentine state's policy on promotion and promotion. protection of human rights. However, from Amnesty International Argentina, they warned against "internal human rights policy", putting the focus on migration policy, access to the Abortion and the project to lower the age of accountability. "As a member country and Vice-President of the Council, it is essential that the State maintain a unambiguous and coherent position at the local and international levels with regard to human rights," concluded the Director of the organization, Mariela Belski.

The news went unnoticed beyond the fanfare with which Avruj celebrated via Twitter: "Good news that represents a recognition and powerful impetus for the human rights policy that runs our country and the world over. guidance given by the president @ mauriciomacri ", said the official, endorsing the official reading of the appointment of the state in one of the four vice-presidencies of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, which corresponds to the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos Foradori will represent Argentina in this post. His selection has awarded the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship, without further details, to the state policy of Argentina in the promotion and protection of human rights and labor. linked to enforced disappearances and the right to the truth, among other more bureaucratic problems.

However, if we look at the key milestones in the management of change in memory, truth and justice, the conclusion that emerges indicates that this line of work is not one of the main recipients of official attention. . The dissolution of several state agencies to investigate the role of the state and its civilian partners in the crimes of the last dictatorship, the withdrawal of complaints from the Secretariat for Human Rights in the course of numerous trials against humanity throughout the country and the temporary interruption, at the end of 2018, work to which the obligation of the Argentine team of anthropology Medico-legal was forced because of the non-fulfillment of the funding commitments made by the government are some of the examples of this panorama.

AI, meanwhile, reported more alarm points. "According to Amnesty International, the country is vice-president of the main international body in the field of human rights, but we are at the same time very impressed by the way in which the news has been disseminated to the world. Inside the borders, because we understand that the government's internal human rights policy you have to consider carefully, carefully, "Belski explained during a dialogue with this newspaper. The head of the national agency of Amnesty International has deemed "necessary not to raise a thing outside the country and something else inside".

For the agency, priority is given to national human rights policies, such as security, migrants, indigenous peoples, children and voluntary termination of pregnancy. In a statement issued yesterday, the agency warned of the "double commitment" that involves the prosecution: "On the one hand, suppose Argentina's cooperation with the universal system but at the same time, it reinforces the state's responsibility to lead the HRC's positions and recommendations in the face of human rights violations and to strengthen its promotion and protection around the world. "

In this regard, he reiterated his concern at the latest government announcements on security, particularly on the use of electroshock weapons and on the proposal to lower the age of 39 accountability that goes "against the recommendations of the Committee itself: Rights of the United Nations child". He also warned against the "retreat of immigration legislation and policy", which involves the decree by Mauricio Macri's government to amend the Migration Act in 2017 and mentioned the recommendations of international organizations on the need to update their guaranteed legal system of badual and reproductive rights, such as access to safe abortion. Finally, he indicated as "indispensable" that the country "advance in the regularization of indigenous territories" with guarantees on the right of consultation and free consent of these communities.

"Argentina must be up to the circumstances," said Belski, "not only must progress be made in the development of rights, but also refrain from implementing regressive measures that jeopardize responsibility of the State and tarnish its role in the Council ". .


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