It was 9 days with an erection after falling off the bike


A 35-year-old man lost control of his bike and fell. The shot did not seem serious, but over the days, his permanent and painless erection for nine days was strange. Eventually, he left the shame aside and held a medical guard.

The professionals who intervened determined that he had grade IV badembly, the largest of the table measuring the hardness of erections. The diagnosis: priapism.

What could have happened?

From Comfort We consulted Dr. Carlos García (M.N. 60942), Head of the Department of Urology at the Posadas National Hospital: "El priapism it's a painful and pathological erection that is a urological urgency. There is low flow and high flow. "While most cases are low-flow, this man's was high, which means that the blood I kept going to his bads. "After the accident, a fistula was formed between the artery and the vein, which caused the persistence of erection for nine days," explained the specialist. It is rather common in case of urological urgency.

Generally, an erection occurs when blood flow increases spongy tissue penis in response to a physical or psychological stimulation. After the stimulation, the blood flows and the penis returns to its non-rigid state (flaccid). "If the erection lasts more than 4 hours, emergency medical care is needed," says García.

Return to the case

The strange accident happened in the UK and was described by the doctors of the patient in a published article in the medical journal Urology case reportsbecause of its rarity.

If the blood does not circulate, it can be to form clots and erectile tissue can be damaged or die due to lack of oxygen in the cells. "The latter is quite complicated because many times they end up with a erectile dysfunction this requires you to place a penile prosthesis", Summarizes the specialist.

After the accident, a fistula was formed between the artery and the vein, which caused the persistence of erection for nine days.

To drain all the blood and lower the erection, the doctors had to use a catheter and create their own clots near each fistula, so that they stop supplying blood to the penis. Fortunately the man he did not suffer and he recovered shortly after being badisted.


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