"It was an attempt at execution" | They denounce the p …


One of the five men arrested after the crackdown deployed Tuesday by the municipal police at the Venezuelan Embbady door on protesters who came to support President Nicolás Maduro remains hospitalized after a cash desk fired him above one meter from downtown the head and a shell of a projectile will remain housed in the ear. "It was an attempt at execution.They shot him in the very near head," denounced the lawyer Pedro Dinani, who has been trying since yesterday to allow the prosecution to become the defender of the young man.

Rodolfo Martín D'Agnese is an activist of the Communist Party. With other members of this group and other groups, he went to the door of the Venezuelan Embbady to express his support for Maduro, who was facing an attempt to coup d'etat to try to direct Juan Guaidó.

There they met Venezuelan citizens residing in the country who had come to support Guaidó. As Martin told his partner, María Goboni, there was a ban between protesters on both sides when city police broke into a fierce crackdown aimed at dismantling Chavez's protest. "Martín, like the rest of the protesters, fell back when he was shot in the head," Dinani told the newspaper, to a lawyer from the Argentine League for Human Rights and to a agent for the PC.

"He was leaving because he had seen one of his colleagues being taken in. It is at that moment that a police officer fires you one meter from your head. He falls and continues to shoot. the soil, "concluded Godoni. The comrades wanted to help him but the same money, which Martin admits he could recognize, also shot them.

"Nothing justifies what happened," said D'Agnese's companion about the ferocious operation by the city police. "Martín was withdrawing, he was shot, thrown to the ground and followed by shots.It was a totally outdated situation, they did not want to stop a violent situation, they provoked it," he concluded.

The police arrested him on the spot, blamed for resistance to the authority. However, he was transferred by ambulance and in custody to Fernández Hospital. From there, under pressure from the family, he was transferred to Bazterrica Clinic, where hood and bullet particles were extracted from the outer ear. In the latest medical report, Martin's partner was informed that the impact had not left any scars on the eardrum, but they did not provide details on the particulate material extracted from the eardrum. l & # 39; ear. He has remained since admission to intensive care although his life is not in danger. There, members of the police cell in custody tried early in the morning to enter intensive therapy to take fingerprints, but the director of the service prevented them.

D'Agnese is one of five inmates after the repressive operation of yesterday. He and two others, Amancio Villalba and Daniel Fernández, are members of the PC. The others are members of the Los Pibes dining room, informed Dinani. "The prosecutor -Eduardo Terezko, responsible for the criminal unit number 4 – prevents me, because he has not yet given the order to be badigned a lawyer," said the Lawyer at this newspaper.

The lawyers hoped to have access to the record to certify the type of flush that damaged Agnese. "They shot at him, we do not know with what kind of weapon or projectile, right to the face, to the head," insisted the lawyer, who said he and his colleague Federico Ovejero would present habeas corpus. They also badess "the possibility of filing a criminal complaint" as they consider that the fact of having filed it with the interned activist was "at least an attempt of homicide". "Because of the proximity of the shot, the head chosen by the police, it was an attempt to fire," he concluded.

The Argentine League for Human Rights, meanwhile, will file a complaint against the forces involved in the operation for "the brutal crackdown unleashed" on Tuesday afternoon.


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