It was hot! Maduro does not leave and does not ask for elections | Chronic


The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Madurosaid in an interview broadcast Sunday by a Spanish television channel that will not leave the government or call a presidential election because it does not accept pressure from people or institutions.

"We do not accept anyone's ultimatums, international politics can not be based on ultimatums"Maduro said, adding: "Why does the European Union (EU) have to give orders to a country?"

Interviewed by La Sexta, the president rejected the designation of Juan Guaidó as president in charge of Venezuela, made by the National Assembly (AN), the parliament with an anti-Chávez majority that ignores the period opened on January 10 by President Chavez.

"There is only one president of Venezuela, if I take an economic decree, the armed forces, it is accomplished", he warned, according to Spanish news agencies EFE and Europa Press.

He added that "This person is not empowered by any article, it is a self-proclaimed joke on a place, which has no constitution, law, protocol, or form".

"They seek to divide and an intervention that imposes a puppet government, tries to generate the impression of a parallel government that exists in the international media but does not actually exist"he maintained.

Spurred on by the interviewer, Maduro asked "common sense" and "responsibility" to Guaidó, and sent him a message: "Think about what you do, do not let yourself be used by the old caciques right, do not lend yourself to hurt the country".


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