It was launched from Lujan, the "Double Bragado"


The traditional cycling competition Doble Bragado was launched in Luján and will end on Sunday 10th of the same month in Mercedes.

They will make a total of 1190 kilometers, with as novelty that the race has not started as planned since Tres de Febrero and that the end will not be done in Buenos Aires.

The reasons for these changes are due to the problem of departures and arrivals from the metropolitan area or from the federal capital itself. In this way, Doble Bragado leaves Luján, will pbad in his first stage by San Andrés de Giles, will look for Mercedes, then Suipacha with a brief entrance, to finish at Chivilcoy. Contrary to what happened, the second stage will be presented as a novelty since it will take place entirely in the city of Chivilcoy, with 108 kilometers in an urban circuit that will have the epicenter Plaza España. The third stage will have no variants, unite Chivilcoy to Pergamino and so will the fourth stage that will take place in the streets of Pergamino.

Posted on Sunday February 3rd, 2019


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