“It was the most difficult week”: AMLO saw a complex panorama in the face of natural disasters


A man walks next to a vehicle that gets stuck in a flood produced by heavy rain on September 9, 2021, in the city of Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico.  EFE / José Méndez
A man walks next to a vehicle that gets stuck in a flood produced by heavy rain on September 9, 2021, in the city of Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico. EFE / José Méndez

The manifestation of various natural phenomena has had greater relevance in Mexico over the past week. After the devastation caused by constant rains, earthquakes and cyclones, the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, admitted that it was the most complicated week since taking office. The main reason is the quantity of human resources that it had to mobilize to come to the aid of the affected populations.

This week I think has been the hardest for those who take care of usFor those of Civil Protection, both the army for the application of the DN-III plan, the sailors with their Marine plan, many civilians and state and municipal governments (…) we are suffering from floods, earthquake. it’s been a difficult week, but that is how nature is. He has his strengths, he has this strength that sometimes destroys, ”he said through a video recorded from the state of Sinaloa and broadcast on his social networks.

Since the first days of the most recent week, heavy rains have been present in various parts of the Republic. However, the phenomenon exceeded the capacity of the Tula river, in the state of Hidalgo, causing the overflow and flooding of several districts of the town at dawn on Tuesday, September 7. In certain places, the water level reached two meters high, but its damage went further.

About 500 houses in Guerrero were affected after the 7.1 degree earthquake on Tuesday, September 7 (Photo: David Guzmán / EFE)
About 500 houses in Guerrero were affected after the 7.1 degree earthquake on Tuesday, September 7 (Photo: David Guzmán / EFE)

The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) clinic in Tula de Allende was badly affected by the flooding as its electrical system collapsed. Therefore, 17 people hospitalized with severe symptoms of COVID-19 disease and with assisted breathing have died. The figure was confirmed by the governor of the state, Omar Fayad Meneses. Likewise, 10,000 people were evacuated.

Another of the municipalities affected by the rain was Ecatepec, in the State of Mexico. Various videos were posted on social networks showing the circulation of large quantities of water in certain streets and avenues of the town, which mobilized large objects such as vehicles. According to the statements of Mayor Fernando Vilchis, this was due to the decrease in large amounts of water from the high areas of the Sierra de Guadalupe

On Tuesday night there was also a Magnitude 7.1 earthquake with an epicenter 14 kilometers southeast of Acapulco. The earthquake was noticeable in various states in the central part of the country, although it had fatal consequences in the state of Guerrero, where there have already been three deaths so far. Of the same shape, damage has been reported in more than 500 homes.

In some areas, the water level has reached two meters (Photo: Galo Cañas /quartzcuro.com)
In some areas, the water level has reached two meters (Photo: Galo Cañas /quartzcuro.com)

Despite this, during his visit to the works of the Picachos dam in Sinaloa, the president checked the progress and declared that nature “also gives us life, water and this is also what we want to transmit. Everything is not bad in water, water is life ”.

Looking at the project which aims to consolidate its hydroelectric plan from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), he mentioned: “I also told them about the possibility of producing electricity with this water, because the electric energy produced with water is the cheapest, the cleanest, there is no pollution here, no pollution due to the effects of the use of fossil fuels”.

During his tour, the head of the federal executive was also accompanied by the outgoing governor Quirino Ordaz, which he proposed as Mexican Ambassador to Spain, as well as Governor-elect Ruben rocha, belonging to his political party.


Quirino Ordaz has been proposed as Mexican Ambassador to Spain
Ken Salazar arrived in Mexico as the United States Ambassador-designate
AMLO checked the progress of the dam to prevent flooding in Sinaloa

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