Italian doctor accused of killing people with coronavirus to free up beds


Prosecutor suspects list of victims could be much longer, and others still under investigation “three abnormal deaths”. Meanwhile, the doctor denied the facts and pleaded not guilty, but while the process was ongoing he was suspended from duty and held under house arrest at his home in Mantua.

As Italy was at the peak of cases, with the healthcare system completely overwhelmed and a large number of coronavirus deaths, Lombardy police detected irregularities in the deaths of some patients at Montichiari hospital.

The medical records of these patients detailed a “sudden and difficult to explain worsening” of the state of health, as reported by the site Brescia today.

It was then that the forensic analysis was ordered and sWe detected in the tissues and organs of one of the victims the presence of an anesthetic drug and a muscle relaxant commonly used in intubation and sedation which, if used outside of specific procedures and doses, may cause death.

According to investigators, Dr Mosca had not included the administration of this drug in the medical history of the patient, for whom he was also accused. “forgery in a public document”.

The prosecution maintains that Mosca did this because he intended “to free up beds and the human, physical and emotional resources of doctors, nurses and emergency room operators.”

For his part, Mosca denied all the accusations made by Judge Angela Corvi and assured that they were “unfounded allegations”.

However, there is a WhatsApp conversation between an emergency nurse at Montichiari hospital and another person, which would complicate the doctor’s version: “I am not going to kill patients just because he wants to free beds. “said the health worker in your message.

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