Italian media speculate on possible resignation of Pope Francis


Italian media reported on Monday that Pope Francis, 85, reportedly expressed “your intention to leave” from the front of the Holy See, by “his health”.

The information was disseminated by “Free daily”, where it was emphasized that Argentina’s determination would be linked at the last operation to which it was subjected that “it would not have been foreseen” and that the Gemelli doctors “would have liked keep the Pope in hospital longer “.

The statement notes that what affects the Holy Father It would be more serious than what was transcended publicly, through official communications.

The publication also considers that this would not be the only reason, but that his departure is also linked with the Vatican crisis affecting the Catholic Church at the World level.

They also added that “for a pope who has always been extremely active”, the problem of his health “has a great impact” given the demand for the post.

Whereas, if Francisco were to retire, “the surreal situation would arise. of two emeritus popes, with a legally non-existent fix at the end, after eight years, to make room for Bergoglio as well. “

For her part, the journalist Elizabeth pique, Vatican correspondent for LS5 Radio Rivadavia, clarified that “The possibility of the Pope’s resignation is not at all in sight.”

“We must take this article with a lot of tweezers,” added the professional in dialogue with the journalist. Eduardo Feinmann.

It should be noted that, the times you have been consulted on this subject, Francisco never ruled out the possibility of resigning in charge if necessary, further fueling rumors.

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