Italian police arrested the Camorra Grand Capo in Naples – 03/03/2019


Italian police arrested on Saturday the great capo of the Neapolitan camorra, Marco Di Lauro, 38, the fourth son of the leader of the organization, Paolo Di Lauro.

The criminal was arrested without violence in an apartment in the Chiaiano district, south of Naples, where He was with his wife.

Marco was the only son of Paolo Di Lauro not to be arrested, official sources said. The Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, expressed his joy at this "very important operation" carried out jointly by police and riflemenamong other agents: "We will not stop persecuting criminals," said the minister.

About 100 people gathered at the entrance to the Neapolitan police station where the capo was driven, handcuffed, celebrate the arrest with applause.

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Decrees ranked second in the list of most wanted people from the Ministry of the Interior, behind the head of the Sicilian mafia, Cosa Nostra, Matteo Messina Denaro, fugitive for more than two decades.

Marco Di Lauro has to serve a ten-year prison term for the mafia and drug traffickers' badociation (video capture).

Marco Di Lauro has to serve a ten-year prison term for the mafia and drug traffickers' badociation (video capture).

Di Lauro escaped in 2004 on the occasion of a major police operation. Since 2006, he was under a warrant for international arrest. An informant he accused him in 2010 of at least four deaths.

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The criminal was wanted for his involvement in the family clan, one of the most powerful of the Camorraand managed to get away from the forces of order known as "Women's night"when a thousand policemen entered the neighborhoods of Scampia and Secondigliano, in the Neapolitan periphery, and arrested 53 mafiosi.

The criminal was wanted for his involvement in the family clan, one of the most powerful of the Camorra.

The criminal was wanted for his involvement in the family clan, one of the most powerful of the Camorra.

His father, Paolo Di Lauro, "O Milionario" (the millionaire), he was at the head of the Camorra in the Neapolitan districts of Scampia and Secondigliano and He is sentenced to several life sentences for his crimes.

About 100 people gathered at the entrance of the Neapolitan police station where the capo was driven, handcuffed, to celebrate the arrest with applause (video capture).

About 100 people gathered at the entrance of the Neapolitan police station where the capo was driven, handcuffed, to celebrate the arrest with applause (video capture).

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At least 130 people died in the Neapolitan mafia's internal struggles in 2004, when there was a split between the Di Lauro and Amato-Pagano clans.

Marco Di Lauro (the last son of this clan who was free) must serve the sentence of ten years in prison Mafia and drug trafficking, according to the media.

AFP and EFE agencies.



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