The meeting was held at the Quirinale Palace, seat of the Presidency, where Conté accepted "with reservations" on the order of Mattarella, who will see again in a few days, said the Secretary General of the Presidency, Ugo Zampetti.
At present, President Conte must approve the program and the list of ministers of the new left-wing executive. The new prime minister acknowledged that the country was "in a delicate phase".
"We are at the dawn of a new European legislature and we must recover the time lost to enable Italy to play the leading role that it deserves." The country must proceed quickly, "he said.
But before describing Italy's performance in the Conté block, he must make sure of a list of ministers, who would vote next week to be accepted by Mattarella, as well as a government plan.
The agreement between the anti-M5E movement and the social democrats let the ultra-right Liga and its leader Matteo Salvini out of the gamebecause of this political crisis when he raised, in the middle of the summer, a motion of censure against Conte who had not even had the right to vote.
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