Italian President Sergio Mattarella started with …


From Rome.The President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, on Wednesday began consultations with the various political parties to try to resolve the government crisis engendered after the resignation on Tuesday of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, but actually triggered 10 days ago by Italia Viva (Iv), the party of the former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who withdrew from the government coalition.

Mattarella, as established by the rules in these cases, first of all on Wednesday afternoon received the President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Casellati, then to the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Roberto Fico.

The consultations will last until Friday and it is not yet clear whether on that same day or Saturday the president will entrust the task of forming a new government to the candidate he deems most appropriate following the consultations.

The president has this power but also that of dissolve the chambers and call elections if you consider that none of the candidates put forward by the parties are able to achieve a government that strikes a balance in these critical moments of the pandemic.

According to the program, on Thursday the president will receive Matteo Renzi and separately also Nicola Zingaretti, leader of the Democratic Party (PD), as well as a group of MPs from Libres y Unidos (LEU).

Friday, it will instead be the turn of the center-right and right-wing parties, including the League of Matteo Salvini, Forza Italia possibly with the presence of Silvio Berlusconi, and Brothers of Italy from Giorgia Meloni. These three parties, which want at all costs to go to new elections, have announced that they will run together because they have a common proposal to make.

On Friday, towards the end of the afternoon, the president will receive the parliamentarians of the Five star movement (M5S).

From a political point of view, some parties have made some news known. For example, Salvini said that the right would agree with a “government of broad agreement”, that is, with representatives of different parties or groups.

But first, Salvini stressed, Conte needs to be done away with for good. The vice-president of Forza Italia, Antonio TajaniHe spoke of a government of “national unity” to deal with the crisis.

Conte remains in charge of the government – even if he resigned – until the new prime minister can take over. And the governing coalition that had it, that is to say M5S, PD and LEU, does not rule out the possibility that a new Conte government could move the country forward.

According to Nicola Zingaretti, secretary of the PD, Conte represents “the point of political balance” that the country needs at the moment.

Italia Viva for her part has indicated that she will not veto a possible renewal of Conte because what “interests us – specified the former Minister of Agricultural and Forestry Policies, Teresa bellanova – this is how the crisis is managed ”.

Meanwhile, in the Senate, a new group of senators was born, who would support a new Conte government without going to the elections. Some call them “the culprits”. They call themselves “Europeanists”, and among them is the Associative Movement of Italians Abroad, of which the Italian-Argentinian senator belongs. Ricardo Merlo.

“The group is made up of senators who have a common European sensibility and have recognized the fundamental role of President Conte in the management of the crisis,” said a statement from the Europeans.

Given that in the Senate, the coalition that ruled with Conte does not have a majorityAccording to some analysts, this group could be a point of attraction for several senators who declare themselves against the deepening of the crisis at this historic moment and who could leave their original parties, as has already happened with some ‘between them. For the moment, it is made up of only 10 senators.

Normally, the government crisis and the president’s consultations are watched by dozens of journalists from across the country and from abroad, who sit for hours at the exit door of the room where Mattarella receives politicians in. the Quirinale Palace, seat of the presidency.

On leaving, politicians normally make statements to the press recounting what they spoke with the president. But this time, because of the anti-covid measures, there are only 13 journalists present – who go to the draw every day – and must present the certificate of a negative direct debit taken the day before.

The rooms where President Mattarella also receives are disinfected after each meeting with extreme care.


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