Italy: a doctor accused of providing …


The director general of the emergency department of the hospital of Montichiari, in the Italian region of Lombardy, has been arrested accused of murdering two coronavirus patients last March, when the high number of infections collapsed, medical centers across the country.

According to the prosecutor’s office, Carlo Mosca, 47 years, intentionally administered lethal doses of drugs with neuromuscular blocking effect several infected with COVID-19 shortly after their admission to hospital and failed to perform the necessary intubation maneuver, which led to a rapid deterioration in their condition and their death.

Possible victims of the doctor include two inhabitants of the municipality of Brescia: Natale Bassi, 61, and Angelo Paletti, 80. In addition, authorities are investigating three other “abnormal deaths”.

Part of the medical team accompanying him to the hospital was aware of Mosca’s irregular behavior. In the arrest warrant, Judge Angela Corvi argued that Mosca had “mindfulness” and “the will to kill” and stressed that her motive would be attributable to her desire to “free up not only the beds” but also “human, physical and emotions of doctors, nurses and emergency room operators. “

The doctor was charged with double aggravated intentional homicide and public act forgery since he did not include the administration of these drugs in the medical history. He has been suspended from his duties and is currently under house arrest pending a court hearing.

For the time being, Mosca has denied all the claims, calling them “unsubstantiated claims” and explained that he would never have administered these drugs and that he did not want to take the lives of patients, but to save them.


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