Italy: a patient died of coronavirus in the bathroom of a hospital | the Chronicle


Images of a patient presumed to have died of coronavirus on the floor of a bathroom in a hospital in Naples shocked Italy on Wednesday afternoon.

The man, who was in an area of ​​the center reserved for people suspected of having the disease, was found dead by several workers, after finding that he had been there too long.

The unfortunate episode happened at the Antonio Cardarelli Hospital in Naples, which opened an investigation to determine the cause of the man’s death, which is currently unknown.

A few hours after the patient’s death, they began to circulate on social networks a video showing the man’s body on the ground. The author of the images, whose identity is unknown, took advantage of the fact that health workers left the man looking for a stretcher to place him in, to record them.

“It is despicable that events like this are exploited and used to construct terrible and dangerous suggestions in public opinion.”, denounced the director of the Neapolitan hospital, Giuseppe Longo. For this and “out of respect for the suffering of the family“, the center began investigations to identify the author of the images.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luigi di Maio, posted on his Facebook profile that the images of the patient found dead are “shocking“. “We are faced with dramatic and unacceptable events, episodes which push us to act as a central government because time is running out“He shared.

“The life and the right to health of every citizen take priority over everything else.”

The politician of the 5 Star Movement assured that this patient found in the bathroom Cardarelli is “the most raw and the most violent” testimonies that he receives every day from hospitals in Campania, in the Naples region. “People treated in cars in parking lots, some who die in ambulances whose destination is not indicated and others who are not even picked up at their homes, despite continuous calls.“he added

“The life and the right to health of every citizen take priority over everything else. If territorial entities fail to preserve them, the state must do so. I have remained silent until now out of respect for the institutions involved, but it is necessary to intervene immediately and do so especially in the south, which risks collapsing “, Indian.


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