Italy: at least 14 dead and one seriously injured by …


This Sunday a cable car cabin provoking the death of at least fourteen people, while one child remained in serious condition. The event happened in Stresa, a seaside resort on Lake Maggiore in Piedmont, in the north Italy.

An earlier toll reported thirteen dead and two seriously injured children who had been rushed to Regina Margherita Pediatric Hospital in Turin.

Images of firefighters show the debris of the cabin in a wooded area whose steep slope makes access difficult.

The accident, took place 300 meters from the summit, it was because of a broken cable, causing the fall of the cabin in which 15 people were traveling, according to the Ansa news agency.

The cable car – which reaches an altitude of 1,491 meters – connects the town of Stresa to Mount Mottarone in 20 minutes, which rises to almost 1,500 meters and offers spectacular views of the Alps. The service was returned to service on April 24 after being closed due to the pandemic.


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