Italy: Conte obtained the vote of confidence in Dip …


From Rome

The center-left government (mainly Democratic Party and Five Star Movement) led by Giuseppe Conte obtained the confidence vote of the Chamber of Deputies on Monday, first step in the battle to reconstitute its authority after five days ago the withdrawal of the government coalition by living Italy has put it in crisis (Iv), by decision of its top leader, former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. But the battle is not over, as Conte will have to appear before the Senate on Tuesday for the vote of confidence, and only then, if he succeeds, can the government move forward.

Conte obtained 321 votes in favor (the necessary majority was 315 votes) and 259 votes against in addition to 27 voters who abstainednot. The result, perhaps more than expected, relied on the vote in favor even of some center-right representatives, such as the well-known Forza Italia (Silvio Berlusconi’s party) MP Renata Polverini, who said she was convinced that “the country in the elections while the Italians await indications of the Parliament to exit the tunnel of the economic crisis and the pandemic, it would be an irresponsible gesture”.

“I have nothing against Conte – said Renzi who triggered the crisis by removing the two ministers and an undersecretary who had his party in government.– But if for six months you make an important proposition and they don’t listen to you, there are two alternatives: the first is to act as if nothing had happened. The second is that I will not be jointly responsible for the greatest waste of resources in history ”. Renzi referred to the ESM as a credit that the European Union (EU) gives to countries with health problems that Iv wanted at all costs to ask the EU. Since this is a loan that must be repaid with interest, the government did not accept it because it is preparing the application plan for the Stimulus Fund, several billion euros that the EU allocates to member countries in crisis due to the pandemic, part in grants and part in loans.

Conte appeared at 12 noon before the Chamber of Deputies to defend his government and talk about the program he intends to carry out. He was applauded several times by his supporters, but also interrupted by the cries of the center-right opposition who raised signs saying: “Conte resigns”. The center-right coalition, in which Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia but also the far-right League Matteo Salvini participates, wants at all costs to go to the elections, convinced that this is how it will win the government.

In his speech, Conte defined the pandemic as “a historic challenge” and admitted to having felt “some discomfort” when the crisis occurred “in this crucial phase of our country and when the pandemic is still ongoing”. “Was a crisis necessary at this point? No “. This crisis” opened a deep wound and caused consternation throughout the country. “” At this point, you cannot erase what happened. We must change the page, “he said. he says, referring to Renzi’s decision which the government apparently would not be prepared to negotiate with.

In the dramatic months of the pandemic, “this majority (for the government) has shown great responsibility, achieving a convergence of points of view but also a capacity for resolution in the most difficult times,” he said. he continued. This country “deserves a united government ready to work in favor of the citizens”, because it must “work all together to get the country out of the pandemic”, added Conte who spoke for more than 45 minutes presenting a detailed program of measures by take. “We have to complete the stimulus package – plan to apply funds from the stimulus fund to be submitted to the EU – and when we receive the suggestions and proposals from parliamentarians and social sectors, we will make the final version.” , concluded the Prime Minister. that earlier he called on European, socialist, popular, liberal and anti-sovereignist forces to collaborate with the government to “start again with maximum acceleration”.

“The PD has been the force that has worked the most to overcome political problems, to build new competent alliances. We are proud of it. But the one who breaks and isolates, makes the good victory, ”commented PD secretary Nicola Zingaretti. “The PD is doing everything to defend the interests of Italians who are much more vulnerable in this situation,” he added.

“We will not leave the Italians in the hands of irresponsible people,” wrote on Facebook Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs and former leader of the Five Star Movement (M5S). PD and M5S are the main parties in the current government alliance. Before the two Chambers, Monday and Tuesday, “a concrete project with an ambitious vision of our future has been presented and will be presented. And precisely for this project we will ask for the support of those who can offer their contribution to the reconstruction of Italy. Now is the time to choose which side to be on: the builders side or the destroyers side ”, underlined Di Maio.

VSonte will appear Tuesday morning in the Senate, which will also have to issue its vote of confidence on whether or not the government can continue its work. According to Italian law, the Prime Minister must obtain the confidence of both chambers, but a simple majority is sufficient in this case, that is to say more votes for than against. The number of votes will however be an indicator for the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who will have to decide if they are sufficient to give stability to the government. There is always the risk of going to new elections in June.

But if Conte gets a vote of confidence in both chambers, analysts say, he will have more or less a month to consolidate the government, reorganize the cabinet of ministers, before sending the stimulus plan for final approval in parliament.


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