Italy: far-right parties vote against compulsory green laissez-passer | Crack in the ruling party


a a far-right La Liga MP voted against the decree of the Italian government on the compulsory use of the coronavirus health pass. The parliamentarian’s decision produced strong differences within the ruling coalition led by Prime Minister Mario Draghi, of which the League is also a part.

The leader of the ruling Democratic Party bloc, Piero De Luca, criticized the fact that the League deputy, Claudio Borghi will vote in favor of removing the article which establishes the compulsory nature of the green laissez-passer in the law which fixes its scope. “It is clear that the League’s position in the hemicycle is not what the country needs in this delicate phase of recovery”said De Luca. While the secretary general of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, was also against Borghi’s decision. “I condemn the election of the League which, with the votes in the House committee against the health passport, has chosen to stand outside the majority. That is why I am asking for political clarification on this subject, ”said Letta, who subsequently described the League parliamentarian’s vote as“ an intolerable situation ”.

In the rejection of the compulsory use of the certificate which was discussed in the Committee on Social Affairs of the Deputies, the League only managed to ally itself with the only opposition party, the Brothers of Italy, the formation of right wing Georgia Meloni and former members of the Five Star Anti-Government Movement (M5E).

Green pass

The move into the Italian executive came on the same day that the green pass became compulsory for domestic journeys by train and medium and long-distance plane, as well as for teaching staff of all levels. The certificate also allows access to bars and restaurants.

Minister of Transport Enrico Giovannini revealed today that “only 0.02% of people checked on trains did not have a green pass”. The certificate is a free official document that shows that the subject has been vaccinated or had the disease within the last 6 months. It can also be obtained with a negative Covid-19 test dating back less than 48 hours.

Prime Minister Mario Draghi assured that although details are still lacking, the green pass will be extended to other activities in addition to school, transport and events in closed places., announced this Thursday at a press conference. At the same time, the Social Affairs Commission approved the extension of the validity of the certificate to 12 months from the application of the second dose to vaccinated people, instead of the current nine.


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