Italy gets rid of elections and starts negotiating a new majority | Internationale


In the photo, the leader of the 5-star movement, Luigi di Maio, in the Italian Senate on Tuesday. In the video, Silvio Berlusconi and Nicola Zingaretti appear after the meeting with Sergio Mattarella on Thursday.

Mattarella saw real opportunities for a new government alliance and decided to give the parties more time, until Tuesday 27, so that the formations could weave the pacts. It will then be when the President of the Republic will discover if there is an agreement or if the only way out of the political crisis is the call for new elections. Shortly before the announcement of the Head of State, the badembly of grillinos authorized the formal opening of negotiations with the PD.

Since the head of the League, Matteo Salvini, boosted his coalition with the 5-star Movement (M5S) on August 8 and filed a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, with the aim of lobbying to force elections anticipated, the political scene has taken a turn and the possibility of an alliance between the grillinos and the left center. The 5 stars, the party that holds the most seats in the current Parliament, and the Democratic Party (PD), main force of the opposition, steel rivals up to now, have approached the positions and open to the possibility of negotiating a new majority that allows for the formation of a new executive, thus exhausting the legislative power and stopping the advance of the ultra-right league.

Salvini, who also went to see Mattarella, explained to the president that his party was still betting on the early start of the elections, but that he had also left an unexpected door to a pacification with the 5 stars.

Salvini thinks about it

The approach between the DP and the M5S, which had already succeeded in leaving Salvini in the minority Senate by voting against his proposal to immediately debate the motion against Conte, led the leader of the League to rethink his position and give a reversal , fearing that a strong long-term alliance between the PD and the M5S will get him off the table. "Di Maio has worked well for the country," Salvini said, adding, "If the no becomes a yes, I am willing to reopen the M5S, without grudge."

In this way, apparently, two parties willing to sit at the table with the grillinos. On the one hand, the League, which for the moment has not asked for conditions, on the other hand, the DP, which asked Wednesday five inalienable measures to be agreed, including a loyal adherence to the European Union, or a distancing, without specifying mode – from the fierce immigration policy of the Interim Minister of the Interior. On Thursday, the price of its seats was increased and its demands were canceled by the cancellation of the two safety laws promoted by Salvini and approved with the support of the 5 stars.

Its leader, Luigi Di Maio, during his appearance after the meeting with the head of state, subtly hinted that it was not his intention to make peace with his former partner and that he had already begun a dialogue with the Party. Democratic He noted that his party had put in place the "interlocutions" necessary for the formation of a "solid majority", which the secretary of the PD, Nicola Zingaretti, specifically asked. That is to say, a strong majority, able to enlighten a full-fledged executive and not a transitional administrator to carry out specific projects.

But Di Maio also listed the Movement's "inalienable" priorities, which, at first sight, seem hardly compatible with those of the PD, such as the reduction in the number of parliamentarians, which the center-left party rejected in its current approach; banking system reform or approval of a plan of autonomy. Others, on the other hand, such as the defense of the environment or the halt of the VAT hike fully coincide with the proposals of the Democratic Party. In any case, the fact that he presented a long list of objectives indicates that his idea is to create a long-term government.

The leader of the PD, Nicola Zingaretti, clearly spoke about the Five-Star Movement and its intention to seek a pact with the formation presided by Luigi Di Maio in order to highlight a "change government", which supposes a real break with the current line. Interim Framework. He also pointed out that if this option does not materialize, it would be necessary to go to the polls and insisted that what the country needs is not "a government at all costs".


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